Which Trump impressionist do you prefer? Sarah Cooper or J-L Cauvin?

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      The COVID, as comedian J-L Cauvin likes to call it, has many of us spending more time on social media.

      And that, along with some bizarre presidential behaviour during the pandemic, has helped bring two Trump impersonators to much larger audiences.

      I recently posted short articles about each of them—and now, I'm curious to know which one the readers prefer.

      One of them Cauvin, the New York City–born son of an Irish-American mother and Haitian father.

      He released five albums before becoming "Internet famous", as he says on his website.

      Cauvin specializes in skewering Trump's oft-proclaimed love of Christianity, women, and minorities.

      J-L Cauvin does an impression of Trump reopening Mar-a-Lago.

      Another one of these Internet-famous comedians is also from New York City.

      Sarah Cooper doesn't mimic Trump's voice—instead, she relies on his news conferences for the audio component. 

      It's her facial impressions, props, physical humour, and use of herself as other characters that have made Trump an even greater object of derision.

      Sarah Cooper: "How to hydroxychloroquine"

      Check out more of their work below. Then vote on this page—upper left if you're on a desktop computer—for which one you think is better at ridiculing the president.

      J-L Cauvin's Trumpian graduation speech.


      Sarah Cooper: "How to testing"
      Donald Trump vs. God
      Sarah Cooper: "How to grief"


      Then, there's this, which floated across Twitter on May 21...
