Making choices

It is extremely unfortunate and even tragic that some of the best minds I have met (and heard of) over the years have been damaged by alcohol and drugs to the point that they spend more time wasting their energy on negative life choices and projects that would have been worth something -- if they had made better choices. I mean, do you ever notice how some people spend years on carrying a grudge and if you asked them how much time they spent on that grudge it would be for example as much time spent on getting a university degree or working a second job. Alcohol and drugs and even bad reading material, it clutters the mind and numbs us to our fellow human beings when taken in excess over long periods of time


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You know...

Jun 7, 2020 at 4:03pm

... a lot of it is just bad nutrition. Like > 10% of the population has diabetes, you don't have any lab animal population that has 10% diabetes because they're all fed a standard diet.

Even thin people, that's mostly a matter of calorie and metabolism, but, that's not the only indicator of health, perhaps a better one is cavities---most thin people I know have had cavities.

So, it's like, what's a better standard for health, having a full set of teeth, or being thin? Both is ideal, but I've known tobacco addicts, cocaine addicts, and if I ask them what they eat, you know, it also tends to be "funny." Like one in my family, he's never drank milk. Now, he eats some cheese, and he heats some vegetable, so he gets enough calcium to "get by" but his teeth...

Another thing I've noticed, and helped a few tobacco addicts with, I ask "do you eat eggs?" Most have said no, and I say 'well, you know nicotine is an acetylcholine agonist, maybe you need more choline to form more acetylcholine, try eating 4 eggs a day.' Most can't do that for some reason, and maybe it's placebo, like 'if I can eat 4 disgusting eggs a day, I can do anything, I'll stop smoking.' Who knows.

The point is, most people are numb to others because of diet, and ultimately, I am very sensitive, but I have all of my teeth. I don't think most people would want to be this sensitive...

7 18Rating: -11

Absolutely correct

Jun 7, 2020 at 4:55pm

I hear you all too well and now I'm 48.

9 7Rating: +2

Having empathy is important

Jun 7, 2020 at 5:01pm

I understand what you're saying however it is an extremely short sighted, ignorant, and self absorbed view especially if said "grudge" is reinforced by the post traumatic stress and anxiety caused by an abuser, or event that took place or possibly several of all such said things in their life. Post traumatic stress and anxiety will last a lifetime though the symptoms can become less frequent and severe over time.
Depending on the severity of the trauma it can take a very long time possibly decades for someone to shake most the dust off themselves and reach your bar of what you deem to be worldly success. Many never do, and end up being a suicide statistic.
Sure, you can go and self righteously judge another person's life without having lived it and without having spent a day in their shoes, but if your places were switched, chances are you would not have been anywhere near a success with such a life as they have been.

33 6Rating: +27

Carrying a grudge

Jun 7, 2020 at 5:30pm

Skipping over details and jumping to conclusions have kept me in shape. But lemme tell ya those grudges aren't getting any lighter! Less cake please!

11 4Rating: +7

I. Tried

Jun 7, 2020 at 5:30pm

I’m nearing 11 month of sobriety. Reality is... not what I hoped. I think I’m going to jump back into a different one next month.

9 7Rating: +2


Jun 7, 2020 at 6:36pm

only if you have a weak mind it will affect you.

5 14Rating: -9

Great post

Jun 7, 2020 at 6:55pm

I concur

6 11Rating: -5

All things through spite

Jun 7, 2020 at 6:58pm

You should look up Brené Brown and How to Apologize :)

15 7Rating: +8

Ahh that explains everything...

Jun 7, 2020 at 7:52pm

as to why they’re are so many lost souls constantly staring at their smart phones or social media at work even though they have a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD! One day, maybe the public will realize Social Media is actually an electronic drug and should be banned like cocaine.

24 6Rating: +18

Al Kai

Jun 7, 2020 at 8:39pm

I’m sober 11months... I understand. I don’t belong. CTE is a thing. Protect your head. Hopefully your doctor cares. Here’s to fresh starts.

9 3Rating: +6

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