Coopers' Camera

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      Starring Jason Jones and Samantha Bee. Rated 14A.

      If the clunky camera you picked up in December of 1985 was discovered almost a quarter-century later, what would the images on the bulky VHS tape inside look like today?

      Watch the trailer for Cooper's Camera.

      The Cooper who brings home this particular used recording device is Gord, a Brillo-headed sad sack played by Jason Jones, the Daily Show regular most inclined toward self-administered beatings. Arriving in time for Christmas—and in lieu of an expected escape to Florida from icebound suburbia—this acquisition is the latest disappointment for Gord's wife, Nancy (Jones's real-life wife and Daily companion, Samantha Bee).

      Gord thinks Nance is getting fat; actually, she is pregnant—a worrisome development, since the couple hasn't had sex since 1984. This may connect somehow with the impending arrival of his estranged brother (Peter Keleghan), who is as smooth as our hero is unhinged. The other Coopers include divorced grandparents and interfering aunts, plus an older son (Nick McKinlay) seething in silent anger, and a younger one (Dylan Everett) forever in pyjamas; the little guy does have some sneaky shooting skills, as evidenced by the footage here.

      Dave Foley is the scumbag who “gave” Gord the titular camera and tape—already used for homemade bondage movies, so we get more of Foley than expected. Written by Jones with Mike Beaver, who plays the worst uncle ever, the movie was directed by Warren P. Sonoda, seemingly more comfortable with encouraging improv than shaping a plausible story or likable characters.

      The targets are often too obvious to induce much laughter when hit (oy, those clothes!), but the cast is clever enough to keep you watching when you don't care what happens next. What's really weird is that this most Canadian of families is passed off as American. Like they didn't, and don't, have enough trouble down there.
