New poll finds majority of Canadians, Americans support marijuana legalization

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      Score another one for the stoners.

      According to a recent Angus Reid poll, a majority of Canadians and Americans think that marijuana should be legalized.

      The poll, conducted between November 19 and 20, found that 57 percent of Canadians—60 percent of British Columbians—and 54 percent of Americans support legalizing sweet, sweet reefer.

      According to the results, over two-thirds of Canadians (68 percent) and 66 percent of Americans believe War on Drugs—first declared by Richard Nixon back in 1971—has been a failure and half of those surveyed (50 percent Canadian, 49 percent American) felt that pot should be legalized within their countries, irrespective of the drug policies of other countries.

      This follows closely on the heels of success marijuana legalization votes in both Washington and Colorado.

      Earlier this year, eight B.C. mayors—including Gregor Robertson—signed a letter in support of marijuana legalization.

      Follow unapologetic stoner Miranda Nelson on Twitter at @charenton_.



      Alex T

      Nov 29, 2012 at 11:19am

      When two thirds of Canadians support legalization, it's pretty offensive to imply that we're all "stoners". No one who says that alcohol should remain legal is described as a drunkard, maybe it's about time you grew up and treated this like a serious issue affecting everyone.


      Nov 29, 2012 at 12:17pm

      I also take offence to terms such as "stoners"?

      the current wasting of billions on enforcement failed a long time ago, prohibition is a failure - morality can not be legislated, however we can strictly regulate, tax and control such substances. Putting the revenue into education, health and enforcement.

      what we are doing right now has isn't working and we need a sensible new approach.

      Bem Gock

      Nov 29, 2012 at 1:53pm

      Just to defend the article: It doesn't say just stoners...

      They will, one assumes, benefit. But so will (IMHO) most folks. I'd like a few of those drug war dollars either back in my pocket or used for something more useful than locking up a bunch of (mostly harmless) stoners.


      Nov 29, 2012 at 2:10pm

      i have never done illegal drugs in my life, but i fully support the legalization of weed. heck, i would support the legalization of all drugs. people are going to do them no matter what, so we might as well get rid of the gangs and get some tax income!

      Mark Fornataro

      Nov 29, 2012 at 4:06pm

      I am reading Neil Young's memoir and am rather surprised how glowingly the long-time pot smoker(has recently stopped dope) defends Ronald Reagan considering that during the war on drugs:" The presidency of Ronald Reagan marked the start of a long period of skyrocketing rates of incarceration, largely thanks to his unprecedented expansion of the drug war. The number of people behind bars for nonviolent drug law offenses increased from 50,000 in 1980 to over 400,000 by 1997."- from
      I wonder how Young would have felt about Reagan had he been busted and thrown in jail at the time.