WTF America

I've had enough with America's BS. I think they are beyond fixing. They are broken. A "democratic" system that is owned by the people with the most money. A media that is fueled by hate and controversy, often ignoring the relevant facts for a catchy headline. And a population that, more and more, seems to be afraid of everyone and is incredibly uninformed. Yet, I still hope that they will figure it all out because the world needs them, like it or not. As Sir Winston Churchill put it, "Americans will do the right thing after they've exhausted all the alternatives."


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Canada isn't much better

Dec 1, 2015 at 5:27pm

Try googling the Power Corporation. Look in your own backyard before judging your neighbor.


Dec 6, 2015 at 12:15pm

Feeling a little smug??? Why??? What makes Canada so great???

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