The feeling

It happens to me every now and then, the feeling. The feeling like everyone else is out having a good time but I'm not. The feeling that nobody really likes me around. The feeling that I won't meet someone and settle down. The feeling that there is something wrong with me. The feeling that everyone is in on the joke except for me. Well today it happened again, the feeling hit and now I feel like shit.


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you're a poet

Feb 8, 2016 at 9:05pm

and didn't know it.

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I've felt like that in the past

Feb 8, 2016 at 10:18pm

Then I learned that everyone is fighting their own battle, even successful, attractive and popular individuals. Look, for example, at the lives of famous people; they usually have ups and downs, successes and failures, admiration and disgrace, unfortunate and tragic events might happen or they suffer from physical and mental illnesses just like everyone else. What you usually see is curated images of their best selves (especially on social media) while their reality is much more boring and ordinary. Why are some people successful despite everything? They usually are strong, perseverant and fighters. They don't allow others to hurt their self-esteem and self-worth. You matter just as much as everyone else. You just need to see it for yourself, and work to be where you want to be in your life.

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Self loathing...

Feb 9, 2016 at 1:55am our internal warning signal that we need self care. R.E.N.T. = Rest, Exercise, Nutrition, Touch. Are you getting enough?

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Mean people

Feb 9, 2016 at 10:35am

are also present in the adult world, not just with younger people or bullying. It can be common that people are being treated badly, especially if you are a sensitive person and not in the clique of the mean, self-centered people. RENT is good but also look for like minded people who share your interests to feel more connection and belonging.

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