In response to the Ranting Vancouver teacher article

I had a teacher in grade 2 elementary(mid 1980s - age 7) who ended up in a nervous breakdown because I didn't know how to count money even after being taught it for a few weeks, I pleaded to her that I didn't know how to count money still, even the other students felt sorry for me but she instead called the principal himself(which was a big deal - It's like dealing directly with the owner of a company) because she just didn't have the capability of dealing with my incapabilty at the time. Truth was textbooks, charts & chalkboards didn't do a thing for me & counting money only made sense to me about a year later(I was 8 years young by this time) when I started to spend actual money in a 7/11 buying a Drumstick ice-cream cone(which was my fav) which costed .50 cents(no tax), I had a handful of coins & the cashier actually showed me which coins were going to work in order to pay for it - "Ok This 25 cent quarter, these 2 10 cent dimes(45 cents) & this 5 cent nickel(.50), that's it, you keep the rest for next time, Thank You come again". I never forgot that & I went home & counted the rest of my change. It was the real life practicality which helped me out the most. Same way I figured out electrical pathways & signals via Analog Synthesizers & electronic music ;-) PS That same teacher was never hired back the following yearas a result.


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Bad teachers are quite common

Aug 22, 2017 at 2:39pm

The world is littered with shitty teachers. I had multiple French immersion teachers without a functional understanding of French.

I had another teacher who wouldn't give first nation students homework because "it's not like your going to do it anyways".

I had yet another teacher who refused a medical note from my inpatient psychiatrist because "depression isn't a reason to not go to school". Note the inpatient part.

If you can't get fired, you let shit slide. Professional standards? Not here.

They can go to hell!

Aug 22, 2017 at 3:14pm

#^@%! Schoolboard teachers They can all go to Hell! Home schooling is by far the way to go & when it becomes more a norm look forward to all the schoolboard teachers gigs down the flush - It's going that way anyways. #^@% Ya'll!

@Bad teachers are quite common

Aug 23, 2017 at 10:16am

I would say that bad teachers are the _rule_, not the exception. And it is only getting worse with the "new model" school system that not only teaches reading, writing and arithmetic but lays on a heavy "social justice" angle, like school is the United Church of Canada or something. You get the exact same garbage from the pulpit in left-leaning churches. It's sick.

6 9Rating: -3

To All The Thumbs Downers

Aug 24, 2017 at 3:08pm

Do you all NOT realize that all the institutional learning facilities are modelled & structured to prepare their students to follow a typical work day/week schedule? attendance counts, recess, lunch, recess dismissal = Punch in, break, lunch, break, punch out - Like does this design NOT "ring a bell"? Are you all that far immersed in this matrix that you all can't see this in plain view? Please read the book called Mind Programming: From Persuassion And Brainwashing, To Self Help & Practical Metaphysics By the Author Eldon Taylor -
This matrix serioulsy needs to get shattered by home schooling, ongoing Self Education, Community/group based training/trades(instructors passionate & enthusiastic in their fields rather than teachers with a paid job) with employment being replaced by self run businesses, service trading, community run food & renewable energy production - This is the future!

@To All The Thumbs Downers

Aug 25, 2017 at 2:04pm

I have found that most people are the sort of sickies who have "learned to like" this sort of corporate fascism.

11 3Rating: +8

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