Missile Update Retry

NK unveils an even larger missile. Don't worry, if we all chant social justice slogans I am sure we'll be impervious! Tick tock tick tock, we only have so long to stop being decadents obsessed with surreal things like "justice."


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Nov 30, 2017 at 5:41pm

Even the most basic logic should make it obvious NK has no incentive to actually use their weapons.

7 11Rating: -4


Nov 30, 2017 at 7:29pm

Personally I no longer live on the West Coast.

If NK nukes y'all, I won't care.

3 9Rating: -6

You know..

Nov 30, 2017 at 10:11pm

The united states has many bombers that fly around the world non stop. They refuel in air and rarely land.

They carry nuclear warheads, many of them to make sure the whole world stays in line except for those who choose to defend themselves. Iran syria NK and oddly they don't have central banks.

Who do you fear? Something you saw on tv that might not even be real or the real documented warheads flying over us daily.

Wake up.

3 6Rating: -3


Nov 30, 2017 at 10:19pm

So we should put up with rape and racism because some dude on the Internet is afraid of the boogeyman in North Korea?

Good idea.

Some of us can walk and chew gum at the same time.

4 7Rating: -3

Don't believe...

Dec 1, 2017 at 11:37am

what your mamma told you dude, size DOES matter.

7 10Rating: -3


Dec 1, 2017 at 5:09pm

You have to admit, it's eventually going to do wonders for sorting out the Vancouver real estate bubble.

6 9Rating: -3

@You know..

Dec 2, 2017 at 3:13am

Ya, USA has lots of nuclear weapons, so does Russia. This is not the issue. Might not be real? I think your ilk would say that right up until a warhead landed on the west coast.

If you want to know what people are being scared about on TV, it's things like "social justice," they're being given a distorted picture of the amount of violent crime, as well as having their perception of right/wrong distorted by creating a surreality in which customarily lawful behaviours are prohibited.

The point is that focus on "justice" is delusional, and so people who are focused on justice will lack an appropriate quantitative risk model.

The reason to focus on serious issues like North Korea instead of "justice" is that nuclear weapons and the threat they pose is real---and I don't mean "threat of injustice," I mean threat of explosions. Explosions are real---injustice is fake. All reasonable people know why explosions are bad without recourse to any abstraction like "justice."

Abstractions lead to muddled thinking. There are only particulars. Justice is an abstraction, therefore a muddle.

7 4Rating: +3

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