This is what happens when you ask a man out

Two of my female friends asked guys out. Both men said yes and then two relationships formed. Success, right? Well, it depends on how you look at it. One of these relationships continued on for a few years. It did not progress. So again my female friend took the lead and then asked the male to marry her. She had the ring for him. He said yes. My other female friend’s relationship has not progressed either. They talked about planning a wedding, but he has neither proposed, nor is showing any initiative in planning a wedding. So, Vancouver women, i don’t recommend asking guys out. Why? Because you’re setting the tone that you will do everything, all the emotional work, and the guy can remain passive and inert, just like how you met him. I like, no, love decisive men. Men who know they have to step up to the plate, take action for what they want. I would never date a passive man and would never reward him for his meek behaviour with me. This is what you’re setting yourself up for, for the life of the relationship , if you willfully bind yourself to a passive male.


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You don't get it...

Jan 31, 2018 at 4:36pm

"Men who know they have to step up to the plate, take action for what they want"

That's called rape. You want a passive man who only takes what you'll let him take. You don't actually want a man to take you if he wants you, do you? You want a man you want to take you to take you. You're just illogical, incapable of writing coherently or thinking through your statements.

Wise person

Jan 31, 2018 at 5:06pm

Read the recent confession about a man whose ex-wife was passive, unmotivated and lacked direction, the reason behind his choice to end the marriage. Both parties in a relationship need to make the effort for it to be successful.

31 9Rating: +22


Jan 31, 2018 at 5:27pm

Then the women will likely be alone.
I don't feel like explaining,as it's been told and rehashed on here countless times why.

You forgot

Jan 31, 2018 at 5:45pm

all the times women get turned down because they're not the hot-high-maintenance chicks lust after.
Or just because the guy just doesn't like role reversal.


Jan 31, 2018 at 6:34pm

I don't even know how to respond to this drivel

0 0Rating: 0

Hey OP

Jan 31, 2018 at 6:38pm

We've all recently been witness to what 'assertive' men now have to deal with. You women Insisted on castrating 'assertive' men, so live with it!

9 16Rating: -7


Jan 31, 2018 at 6:46pm

You base your conclusion on 50/50 odds. The one guy said yes the other did not. Also not all women want to marry so way to go projetting your ideas onto others.


Jan 31, 2018 at 6:47pm

What about equality? Welcome to what it’s like to be a man in every relationship ever.


Jan 31, 2018 at 8:31pm

For the laugh, two long term relationships all their problems came from the female taking the initiative at the beginning. Who knew? Gee, I wonder if they are happy or even if other people's mileage may vary...

No asking a girl out is not always because the guy is passive. Sometimes the signals just get crossed. Sometimes the window of opportunity may be narrow. Or maybe, just maybe females don't all want to be passive about finding a partner.

22 9Rating: +13

Contractual prisoner

Jan 31, 2018 at 8:58pm

I don't mind spending my life in a monogamous spousal relationship with another, but I don't want a contractual prisoner, and I don't want to be anyone's contractual prisoner. I want someone to stay, because they love me enough to stay. I don't want someone to stay like a hostage out of fear of a messy divorce and legal battles.

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