
If all you talk about is movies, I interpret this as you lacking real life experiences. You come across as a shut-in. Throwing yourself out there in the world is more valuable than what Adam Sandler said. Life is not meant to be lived in your living room, despite the name.


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Feb 19, 2018 at 10:23pm

And I bet all you talk about is Cosmo and fashion. Boring.

Who cares

Feb 20, 2018 at 8:31am

I never liked any of Adam Sandler's movies because they're terrible. He was way better on Saturday night live.

5 8Rating: -3


Feb 20, 2018 at 8:39am

People that are glued their iPhones are no better. These nimrods never pay any attention to their surroundings in public and can hardly walk up the stairs. These types of losers are the ones who are disconnected from reality.

To some of us

Feb 20, 2018 at 9:46am

Movies are an art form and a way to relax. Sure, if you’re quoting Adam Sandler all day I could see why this would upset you. Don’t you have any hobbies that you like to do at home? If I say I went to see a movie would that make a difference to you? Harsh judgment.

22 8Rating: +14

What Adam Sander

Feb 23, 2018 at 2:49am

Doesn't know you could fill the Hollywood bowl with! That reminds me I gotta take a leak...ishkabibble!

5 7Rating: -2


Feb 23, 2018 at 6:43pm

You are have issues OP. Some people can't afford to travel the world let alone go out in this expensive city. I like people that talk movies it means they have an interest in something. And no one is BORING everyone has something to offer even you. I just wish you could see the good things in life not the bad. Cheers.

8 5Rating: +3

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