I hope that everyone realizes

That the Agencies in Russia don't necessarily act on Mr Putin's instructions, he doesn't have an iron fist control over them like Stalin did. They are almost all semi-autonomous and usually do what the hell they like. What the hell they like most is to extract revenge from dissidents , spies or people who have ripped them off . Putin can't really worry about their excesses , he just has to be on his toes for when they come after him.


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Mar 12, 2018 at 11:20pm

That's pretty much like the CIA, and the Mossad. and just like every other intelligence agency with too much power, and on the payroll of the central banks. The world is run by mobsters.


Mar 13, 2018 at 1:22am

You seem to know so much about this. Where did you read it all? Online forums? Did you travel to Russia? Or maybe you're one of them!

Typical conspiracy theory BS. You really have no proof, but you know it's true! Sure bud.

15 6Rating: +9


Mar 13, 2018 at 12:50pm

Truth is.. I DO know a lot about it.
It's called ... reading history. It's not a conspiracy theory , it's real Russian history.
Try picking up a few credible books my friend, both for and against the Russian political culture.
Books like "Stalin , waiting for Hitler" and the awful but truthful "Red Notice" by that sociopath Browder who looted the treasury.
Both books show how unwieldy power is in Россия!
I guess you could call this an "online forum" but I don't usually put much stock in uniformed opinions.
You've got a right to your voice though , even though it's just an empty disagreement.

Hope you realise

Mar 14, 2018 at 6:58am

You and your Russky boyfriends can kiss my Royal Canadian. Anytime will I meet you fucking weasels and give you a good taste of real patriot love. Strong and free


Mar 14, 2018 at 11:44am

... the US Navy will defeat its arch-enemy, the US Army!

7 10Rating: -3

@ no hope

Mar 14, 2018 at 11:44am

adjust the meds man

13 8Rating: +5

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