I'd rather that my mayor

Smoked crack rather than legalized all drugs. Get ready for the shit-storm of addiction that finishes off a generation that cannot work, are poorly educated, and cannot afford a home or to save for retirement. Have fun though! Legalization and more addiction will help!


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Smokey McPot

Mar 13, 2018 at 10:47am

Yeah, I dunno. I think adults should be allowed to poison themselves however they want. I don't drink or smoke, but I eat a lot of junk food. That's my drug and it will lead me to an early grave. But, I'm an adult and that's my choice. You assume that legalization will make people think, "Heroin is legal now? Sweet! Someone hand me a syringe so we can party!" And of course that's absurd. Legalization will not make more people want to use drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are legal, but not everyone partakes. People who want to use will use whether its legal or not. Frankly, I don't care if all drugs were legalized. Adults should be free to make their own choices and accept the consequences that come with them.


Mar 13, 2018 at 12:06pm

Legalization is universally associated with lower rates of addiction. This is widely studied and widely published, so at this point, you're just choosing to be stupid.

This may surprise you...

Mar 13, 2018 at 1:40pm

... but prohibition doesn't stop anyone from using drugs. Thanks to this thing called "the internet," pretty much everything is available for sale online. There is perhaps a small minority of people who have no friends, who are incurious, who therefore are under the impression that drug laws are what stop people from using drugs, but this is false.

Prohibition violates the right to security of the person that belongs to everyone because prohibition exposes drug users to the risk of poisoned drug supplies. The Governments know this, that is why they are pushing decriminalization. Having a lawyer argue this, tho, would take six figures because it would require expert evidence and it would go to the Court of Appeal/Supreme Court. Plus lawyers as a whole have a perverse incentive to maintain drug prohibition---it's easy money for them.

The only constitutional justification for drug prohibition is as a public health policy that protects vulnerable people. But this is fictitious. What we know from the ongoing drugs crisis is that many young men are dying, these vulnerable young men are not being helped. They're being stigmatized into using alone, and they're using street drugs instead of pharmaceutical doses. So the stigma and the lack of access to pure materials must be addressed.

Most people I grew up with in the City used drugs, whether pot or psychedelics. Many of them have parents who used (or use) pot or psychedelics.

In many cultures, there are rites of passage that involve the use of drugs---for example, a shamanic journey to help prepare a boy to become a man. Perhaps that is something that we're missing, because the prohibition also pushes drug users away from ritualized use into using alone, as I said above. Young men would be much better served by using drugs in groups with other people than at home alone, and they'd be better served using pot and psychedelics than by using opiods.

And let's remember: the most dangerous drug there is, alcohol (causes birth defects, causes brain damage, causes cancer) is legal and sold by the Government.

No one is saying that Decriminalization and Legalization are going to solve every problem, but they're steps in the right direction. Prohibition does nothing but enrich criminals.


Mar 13, 2018 at 2:19pm

Do go on.. cite a source.. ever wonder why? Is that because the addicts die out?


Mar 13, 2018 at 6:06pm

Need sources 'cause you're too lazy to google? OK! Some examples - Portugal, Uruguay, Netherlands ...


Mar 13, 2018 at 6:38pm

That's not how that works.

Anyone home?

Mar 13, 2018 at 11:23pm

Anyone can get whatever they want whether it's legal or not. I doubt making it legal is going to make a difference. Other than weed all the other street drugs are crap and not worth doing. Its your choice. If it's legal at least you would get the real thing. Of course try not to abuse it and have it take over your life.


Mar 14, 2018 at 9:39am

Here, let me google that for you https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=decriminalization+impact+on+addition...
A whack ton of peer reviewed research. Does that help? I highly doubt it. Seems like you prefer your beliefs to facts. And in case you read as little as it seems, the short version of the story is no, it's not because those with addictions die more when not faced with criminal persecution, that's as preposterous as it sounds. It's because decriminalization is associated with harm reduction and reduced stigma around drug use, leading to safe use, better education, less addiction, less spending on drug wars means more money for treatment and mental health etc etc etc.

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