Thinking to myself

Are we at a point where men have to fight for equality? While they may be employed, they also are heavily homeless, suicidal, and are more likely to lose their children and possessions in a divorce. Men aren't even allowed to discuss this idea. This comment will likely be deleted by the GS instead of being allowed in the public eye.


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Apr 30, 2018 at 6:47am

Modern feminism is essentially misandry. And there is plenty of evidence all over this magazine as well as in Canadian mass media (particularly the CBC).

I know

Apr 30, 2018 at 8:11am

People in some cultures tell men and women both not to complain and whine. If you want to improve your situation just do it. Take classes on better communication, apply for the better job, etc. No one’s stopping you from succeeding.

Men are kept...

Apr 30, 2018 at 8:17am

... as chattel slaves by the socialist gynocracy. Men exist to pay taxes. The chattel slavery that a mother exerts over her male children is simply training for being treated as chattel by the Gynofascist State. Who does most time in prison? Men. Who pays most taxes? Men. Of course, rather than saying that men are over-represented/exploited, this is just "fair play" because a dogma of the Gynofascist State Religion is that men suffer from "original sin," except there's no Jesus to wipe it away, all that the Gynofascist State can do is make perpetual war against men, to keep them "in line."

Men are as a rule not allowed to have discussions in public, women attempt to censor them at every turn. In our Universities, it is a palpable atmosphere of fear and loathing, commanded by statute no less, the socialist "human rights code," which exists to support women and minorities at the expense of straight, white men.

Men need to remember that if they unite, nobody can stop them, the gynocracy exists because men are trained very poorly in public schools---and guess what gender most of the teachers are?


Apr 30, 2018 at 9:22am

"Are we at a point where men have to fight for equality?"
I love the naive framing of this question, as if OP is not aware of the growing (and toxic) mens' rights movement and OP just happened to parrot all of their talking points.


Apr 30, 2018 at 10:08am

Although our system is not perfect, there are reasons why family/divorce laws are like that. First, women should have a priority for custody because they are the ones giving birth to the baby and often the primary caretaker. Unless one of the parents is incompetent, I believe there should be shared custody as much as possible. The sharing of possessions has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with relative assets: the same thing applies when the wife earns more than the husband or for homosexual/other couples. Personally, I'm in favour of every party keeping their pre-marital assets when it makes sense. There's no reason why a grown adult should be provided for by an ex-partner, except for the children. However, there are pre-nups available for that so no need to change the law. There should, however, be compensations, for ex., when a woman stays at home to care for the children or the woman takes care of the household (cleaning, cooking) while the husband goes to work and furthers his career. In that case, the income earned during the marriage should be considered household income because both contributed to the household.

Regarding male unemployment, mental health or homelessness, I don't think it has to do with women or minorities. If the only way for men to be employed or have a house is for women and other groups to not be/have, then you're certainly not asking for equality. If anything, most straight white men continue to have better jobs and better pay than anyone else, so if you truly want equality, you'd want better jobs and pay for women et al. until they are equal to these men. Also, women and minority groups have been fighting for equality (right to vote, etc) for years, we didn't just get everything we asked for without a fight. You and other men are free to start groups for unemployed, homeless or suicidal men. There already are such groups, just not many. Also, I'm sure there are groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, where the majority of the users are men.

An advice: your plea for equality and empathy for men would be better received if you at least acknowledge the plight of other traditionally disadvantaged groups, and ask for equality for women and other groups as well. Otherwise, you come across as whiny, entitled and lacking compassion for others. You'll only be met with as much coldness and indifference as you show.

What's really toxic...

Apr 30, 2018 at 11:55am

Is modern feminism. Seriously, attaching the word "toxic" to the word masculinity and thereby insinuating that to be male is the essence of harmfulness and evil?

You can't get much more spiteful and accusatory than that.

Not true

Apr 30, 2018 at 4:50pm

Outdated thoughts. Many women are also subject to financial loss in an marriage. Trouble getting jobs. And having to earn 30% less even if they are more qualified and educated. When the pay gap is fixed then you can ask. Till then. As a professional woman you have no idea what bias I go through on a daily basis.

The pay gap is a myth.

Apr 30, 2018 at 7:22pm

That lie was debunked a long time ago. Earnings gap, yes. Pay gap, no.

there is

Apr 30, 2018 at 8:16pm

no pay gap!


Apr 30, 2018 at 8:25pm

".... the growing (and toxic) mens' rights movement "
Man not wanting to spend his life working to keep a woman happy= Toxic.
Man thinking and taking responsibility for himself and keeping his money for himself=Toxic
Man not placating women=Toxic

You are running scared,as men are gaining control and will soon control the sexual marketplace for the first time in (modern) history.

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