Truly a confession

and partly a commentary on online dating and cheating spouses. I was doing to Tinder shuffle. I was meeting men and wanted a friend in the mix to watch my back. A wing woman of sorts. So my friend was on a few sites with me. She ended up meeting a guy but they were both married. She shared her experiences with me over the year and a half they were "sharing time together". This confession is not about the right or wrong of cheating. It's not about why they should both be lynched because they strayed from their marriages. Leave that to another judgemental rant. What I did from the beginning of their little tryst was to watch over my friend as she had been doing for me. I made some profiles and waited to see if he was the "one woman only" guy he professed to be. Can you guess what happened? Yes, you're right. Just as I predicted, he messaged each of those profiles looking for some quick, no strings, anonymous action. Here's a winning line "I could really use a mouth". He made arrangements to meet with these "women" for a quick fix. He shared photos and smutty talk. He was all in for some sleazy fun until I, as each of these women, called him out for the lying fiend that he was. I did not share any of this with my friend until after a year and half she was still standing up for him and believing his pile of crap. Then I showed her all of the messages and photos. My only regret is that I didn't show her sooner. When she called him out on it, he proved to be a complete coward. Again, no surprise. I am sure I will get hate for this confession but I don't regret it one bit. She has a clear picture of who this abusive philanderer is and he has moved on to another poor suspecting woman..or women. I just feel bad for his wife.


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Retarded People

Apr 25, 2018 at 11:16pm

If you downvoted this confession, you are a plain and simple, stupid idiot. This girl did right by her friend, herself and his wife. That guy is a complete reprobate and deserves to be raked over the coals. He’s a dick for lying to all those women.

Let me get this straight...

Apr 26, 2018 at 3:38am

The guy is an awful person for cheating, but your married friend isn't?

You're pathetic.

You shouldn’t

Apr 26, 2018 at 4:19am

Why did you wait so long to tell her? You should have told her immediately.


Apr 26, 2018 at 4:37am

Or we aren't convinced it's a real confession.


Apr 26, 2018 at 6:31am

three of you are liars, live the truth...if you have it in you.

@re&$@?ed People

Apr 26, 2018 at 7:31am

100% agree.
Except for your choice in name.

16 9Rating: +7

Let me get this right?

Apr 26, 2018 at 8:02am

Your friend is married and went on Tinder and hooked up with a married man for sexy time.
The married man then double dog down cheated on your also cheating friend.
I'm lost for words.......


Apr 26, 2018 at 10:48am

Ugh. How can he be a "one woman only" guy when he's married and already cheating on his wife with your friend? I suppose your friend also told him she's a "one man only" gal?


Apr 26, 2018 at 1:35pm

You enjoyed that didn't you? When he said he needed a mouth, you salivated just a little, right? Of course not, you were too busy playing games and making judgements. I mean every guy "needs a mouth" and believe it or not a lot of people are shall we say, oral. It's like you read that as vile, when he meant it as direct expression of sexual desire. No guy will ever diss a great mouth. More of us are more and more direct about our needs. Love it when women are too.

So, your needs are? Besides spying, faking, leading on, judging, holier than thou posturing as you await the great reveal, lying...I mean you do realise your "higher moral ground" is indeed shaky, right? Thought not. At the end of the day married people love sex too, not everyone is monogamous, not everyone gives good head. Of those, being shitty at head is the bigger sin. Consenting adults dear, consenting adults.

@@re&$@?ed People

Apr 26, 2018 at 1:45pm

I’m not PC and I’m proud of it.

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