
This confession was inspired by one I just read from yesterday called “poor travellers” First of all I would like anyone reading this to know that I spent my late teens and early adult life homeless and living on the street/outside in general in Vancouver. As such, I feel I have a pretty unique perspective on this issue. There are several reasons I ended up there, but briefly: drug addiction, family problems, falling through the cracks... blah, blah, blah the usual stuff. No one to blame but myself really. My life took a turn for the better just over a decade ago. But before that, I did my best not to be seen. Which of course is impossible, but never in my life did I sleep on the sidewalk of say, Granville street downtown. I did my best to sleep “comfortably” in alleys, stairwells, under bridges, and the occasional abandoned house. (It was never comfortable; one morning I was sleeping in an alley behind a business on Main st. somewhere south of Broadway. The weather was cold and wet. I was pregnant. Despite having fallen asleep somewhere outdoors and not in anyone’s way, that I thought would keep me dry, I woke up being drenched with icy cold water. It was coming out of a hose the business owner was deliberately spraying me with. I’d like to think I was able to have a hot shower somewhere after that, but I don’t recall. Another time, a group of young guys thought it would be fun to throw large rocks at my tent, not knowing at first if anyone was in it. There was someone in it, me, and it wasn’t fun. I tried yelling at them to stop. I tried yelling for help. They didn’t stop, and help never came. I was scared to come out so I just covered my head with a pillow, hoping they would leave soon without causing me any serious injuries) Despite never receiving welfare and never having had a job during that time of my life, I never once panhandled, scammed, stole from people’s homes or cars. (I also want to add that I didn’t sell my body. That was my personal choice. Some people don’t get to choose, as for those who do, it is a perfectly legitimate line of work in my opinion.) When I see people panhandling or scamming it makes me furious. I still struggle financially, nothing like before, but I still can’t afford to hand out my pocket change, nor would I for anyone who asked me for it. The panhandlers and scammers may have it a little rough. But I’ve known so many of them personally and I am telling you, firsthand, many of them are self serving, lazy, entitled a$$holes, and are undeserving of your money. Christmas time was always tempting for me to panhandle when I’d see the hundreds of dollars a day, the food, and the presents those leeches sucked up. But honestly, I’m glad I didn’t. The exceptions I give are to seniors who I can tell are not career panhandlers, and anyone who has something to offer that I want or I enjoy. For example, a guy selling his art outside a nightclub (still need to get my own K.Foster), or a busker playing the guitar and sharing her beautiful voice with the world. You wanna give money directly to someone who needs it? Give it to the guy in the dumpster. The kid sleeping in an alley. The lady who tries to conceal the tent she lives in in a wooded area you go to walk your dog. Wanna help someone directly without giving money? Offer a ride to the elderly person using a walker with a few bags of empty bottles you just drove by at a skytrain station or bus stop. Don’t have a car? Offer to help them on or off the bus. Most people are too proud to ask for or even sometimes accept help. Use your better judgment and just help when the situation calls for it. And by no means am I saying you have an obligation to be a good person. My message is for those want to be, but need a little guidance. Basically, open your eyes! Observe the humans around you. Be curious, use your imagination and get in touch with your empathy. Be kind! And thank you from the bottom of my heart to the few who were generous and kind to me when I had nothing to offer them in return!


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Jun 22, 2018 at 1:50pm

You sound like a lovely person - so glad your life has turned around.

Instead of giving to panhandlers, I donate to First United - they provide food and other amenities to homeless people, so I know it's going to help those in need.


Jun 22, 2018 at 3:41pm

If you didn't collect welfare or ask for money, where did you get money for food?


Jun 22, 2018 at 5:40pm

Good on you!

Can you

Jun 22, 2018 at 11:46pm

Update us on your life now and how are you doing?

OP here

Jun 22, 2018 at 11:50pm

Thanks for all the thumbs up everyone! Despite being anonymous, I had a really hard time coming out with some of the things I chose to tell about myself. I definitely don't tell m/any people in my life today about my past. Maybe I should start talking about it more?

Bless you

Jun 23, 2018 at 8:17pm

for telling your story and the truth


Jun 24, 2018 at 2:43am

Thanks for sharing! It’s important for us to keep our eyes open and to help others when we can. Small gestures of kindness can mean everything to someone.

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