Complete MindBend

One of my girlfriends planned a vacation with her boyfriend and he told her that he couldn't afford to pay his half. So she went by herself. So I am complaining about him to my husband and he has a different point of view. He tells me that they should have done something less expensive together. I tell him that she works hard for her money and why should she have to sacrifice because he can't pull his weigh. My husband then reminds me that he paid for every single meal and vacation when we were dating and told me to imagine what would happen if he went without me on vacation. All of a sudden I realize how angry and hurt I would be. Now I am imagining this poor guy eating a can of soup over the sink while she's having the time of her life on a beach. She doesn't deserve him. I can't believe how shallow and spoiled I acted and love my husband for giving me a reality check.


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Sep 27, 2018 at 6:15pm

Your girlfriends relationship is doomed to fail if she behaves that way. Nobody wants their partner to lord over them with the fact that they are better off financially than them.

Troll alert

Sep 27, 2018 at 7:29pm

Fake story dressed up as a teachable moment to get debates going on who should pay for what before and during a relationship. We all should just each pay our own way and not get into relationships with each other because there's too much butthurt-baggage weighing down everybody in this city that nobody can trust anybody anymore.


Sep 27, 2018 at 8:45pm

A pathetic troll wrote this.

Me me me

Sep 27, 2018 at 8:55pm

I'm a woman, and I believe in equality, freedom and self-fulfillment. But I also believe in compromise, and being a team player. What is wrong with a lot of people these days (men and women) when it comes to dating, is that all they care about is themselves and their own happiness. They don't care about the well-being of the other person who's supposed to be their partner. For a lot of feminists, being an independent woman means you care about your personal fulfillment above all else, regardless of the impact on your loved ones. If that's how you are, then don't expect anyone to commit to you or make sacrifices for you if you aren't willing to reciprocate. Relationships require caring about the well-being of all the people involved: there is an inherent need to compromise in order to keep everyone happy. I think society should also teach people how to be good to others, not just to themselves.


Sep 27, 2018 at 9:46pm

OP good on you for at least coming tona realization.

Stop for a moment and think about this on a larger scale. Men most pay for woman on vacation. Did she ever consider maybe paying his way? You said she makes good money, so can’t she afford to??

Are you a Troll?

Sep 27, 2018 at 10:07pm

Your sense of entitlement is giving all women a bad name. I suppose you don't have a job, are a stay-at-home mom with a nanny, and spend all your time going to spa and yoga. How about you get a job, and stop relying on your husband like most other women here do? The intention of this post is to perpetuate the stereotype that women need to be taken care of by men or women are selfish and self-centered.


Sep 27, 2018 at 11:14pm

she screwed someone else while on that vacation. I guarantee it. she has already checked out of that relationship (emotionally) but is still hanging around out of convenience.

You don’t deserve your husband

Sep 28, 2018 at 1:13am

Seriously? He had to remind you that he paid for every meal and vacation you guys had while dating and you simply forgot about that and judged your friend’s boyfriend for not pulling his own weight?! Good lord. You’re the one who needs a reality check.

Maybe she

Sep 28, 2018 at 3:25am

Should do what guys do and help pay. I mean everyone is equal right?

20 8Rating: +12


Sep 28, 2018 at 8:45am

I recognise this troll's writing style from other bullshit postings he/she (but likely a he) has left.

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