Losing it, slowly

It is getting harder and harder to act like I have my shit together when it is all unraveling and I am not even interested anymore in keeping it intact. I look around and most people seem to have the basics figured out, and act like functioning humans. Meamwhile, I clap myself on the back for showering and feeding my cat.


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Biggest lesson I’ve recently learned:

Sep 2, 2018 at 7:03pm

We’re *all* floundering. None of us actually have all of our shit together. We all pretend we do for everyone else’s benefit. The minute you admit your perceived weaknesses to those you trust, you’ll more than likely be met with a chorus of “ME TOO, I thought I was the only one...!” And then you can help each other through the dark times.

You’ve dropped the veil to yourself by admitting. Once you drop the veil to others, you’ll see you’re not alone.


Sep 2, 2018 at 7:15pm

You got it right- other people ACT like functioning humans. Nobody's skating easily through life. It's hard for everyone. Some people are good actors. The rest of us aren't.

You can take this two ways. You could wallow in your suffering or you could act functional. You might even fool yourself into believing you're OK.


Sep 2, 2018 at 8:23pm

You are not alone, hopefully you can ride this wave out.

20 8Rating: +12

Just do the best you can

Sep 2, 2018 at 8:44pm

Don't compare yourself to others as it's a no win game. Try your best to do what you are good at in a competent and consistent basis. If you are able to, take baby steps to try new ways to improve your life. Don't judge yourself because there are a lot of people that look like they have great lives on the surface, but in reality they are really screwed up.

21 8Rating: +13

We're all

Sep 2, 2018 at 10:45pm

Faking it! Our entire society is based on appearances, of every type. Pretending that we have it all figured out and that we're "okay" is as commonplace as breathing. Unfortunately. Far too many people nowadays are falling apart trying to keep up the pretense. I'm all for being real. I've gotten to the point where it's so obvious that I'm not okay that faking it isn't even an option anymore.

24 6Rating: +18

Fake it 'til you make it.

Sep 3, 2018 at 1:51am

Sometimes I listen to Natalie Cole singing "Smile", a song that is about that struggle to pull things together. It's wistful and hopeful at the same time. I don't know anyone who can't relate to it.

16 8Rating: +8


Sep 3, 2018 at 7:28am

That's some cat you have.

My cat hates taking showers.

hey there

Sep 3, 2018 at 3:23pm

This sounds like classic depression. You can get through it, there is help. Don't give up

17 7Rating: +10

It’s true...

Sep 3, 2018 at 5:25pm

That if you open up to your friends you will undoubtedly hear a chorus of “me too”...my girlfriends and I have traded tips for how to appear presentable when even showering was too much work. Dry shampoo, baby powder and bird baths in the sink have saved us all more than a few times. So if you’re feeding your cat and showering some days you’re doing more than a good part of the population...we’ve just learned how to fake it really well.

15 6Rating: +9


Sep 6, 2018 at 10:05pm

Don’t believe everything you see on social media. Everyone has struggles. Reach out to a friend if you need support.

9 13Rating: -4

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