I love Trump!

Trump is proving an economy can boom when you put local workers first. Letting in masses of cheap foreign labour only benefits the one percent. Why can't Canadians see this??? Canadian real wages haven't risen in decades because of open borders globalism. Why does Canada continually stab itself in the back with uncontrolled immigration??? I'm voting for Bernier.


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Canada's big problem...

Oct 8, 2018 at 3:08pm

... is lack of free speech and writing. We don't have it. The open borders stuff and the decline of free speech and writing all happened around the same time: late 80s/early 90s. Since then we've been totally off the rails.

Consider it this way: Canadians who support our oppressive, socialist speech/writing edicts believe that Americans are "too free." Do they look "too free" to any reasonable person? What sort of person would volunteer to have a noose put around his neck, so that if he started "talking out of turn," some tribune could tug on it? Nobody.

Canada is an unreformed socialist hellhole. The reason it doesn't seem that way is because since the late 80s, we've been bringing in massive numbers of people who _want to live in such a hellhole_, because they're minorities who are given special favors, preferential hiring, fuck, they're even given special mortgage programs by private banks!

Like, the busses have all sorts of advertising about special banking for "newcomers." How is that not simply inverted nationalism? If it's wrong to discriminate against foreigners, how is it not wrong to discriminate against natives? Offering a benefit to foreigners but not to natives is obvious discrimination.

We need to be vocal and start pushing these things publicly---the socialist open borders set have no arguments, they have had the appearance of some intellect manufactured by their globalist conclusions being spouted in the mass media and by University professors. There's absolutely no empirical evidence that globalism, open borders, socialism help the average working person. If they did, why would Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc. foundations be working in the background to push these things? Because they're so rich they care about the common man or because they're so rich they don't give af about him?


Oct 8, 2018 at 3:53pm

Go Max!

You stink

Oct 8, 2018 at 4:00pm

Get a life you pathetic troll.


Oct 8, 2018 at 4:16pm

You belong in a mental institution.

Andrew Scheer

Oct 8, 2018 at 4:20pm

I'm voting for Scheer and not falling for the liberal ploy with their inside man Bernier to divide conservatives so Trudeau can do another Term.

Donald dump Trump

Oct 8, 2018 at 8:01pm

Believes only right wingers, American Nationalists & Evangelical Christians should have the plaform to run the country & the media, if he had his way the opposition would be "investigated".....the USA is turning slowly into dictatorship thanks to the sovereign supreme President named Donald Trump's

0 0Rating: 0

Hey if you gotta go, you gotta go.

Oct 8, 2018 at 8:31pm

There's a place for people who love Trump, it's the USA. Move to the USA. It's the place for you. Keep in mind that the USA is a Socialist paradise - for the rich. There's a reason why the middle-class is shrinking there and the opioid epidemic is killing communities, because 1% have 38% of privately held wealth and the bottom 90% hold all the debt. According to the failing NYTimes, In the United States the richest 1% now hold more wealth than the bottom 90%.

Now keep in mind that 54% of federal taxes in the USA go to the industrial military complex. You will be playing a small roll in Americas failed war on drugs and it's fiasco in the middle east propping up Americas corporations with corporate welfare, that's Socialism. America IS a Socialist paradise.

Don't forget to transfer all your wealth there when you move so some clever bank can steal it all when the next economic crises hits.

Bye bye.


Oct 8, 2018 at 10:50pm

Of your liberal beliefs, if you can't accept for a second that Trump has done well for American citizens (and that has nothing to do with race), your political opinion of him and America is worthless.

You have to give credit where credit is due, and the man deserves SOME credit

What makes you think

Oct 9, 2018 at 6:17am

that American's real wages are improving?


Oct 9, 2018 at 11:42am

The US economy is doing well in spite of Trump. He is on his way to running up the largest national debt under any President ever with his bad decisions. The robber baron friends of Trump are trying to amass the biggest lump of cash they can before the economy inevitably tanks big time, that's what all the stock-market activity is about.

22 8Rating: +14

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