Emotional Labor

I want my husband to understand what I have to deal with on a daily basis while he is off at work. I am left in charge of the house and our six year old son and everything that goes with it. It is my responsibility to keep track of all household expenditures and the upkeep of the house and its becoming too much. Our roof is leaking and I am the one that has to call the Roofers for quotes and the one that has to manage them. We are building a new third floor bathroom and I am left to manage that as well. Plumbers, drywallers, electricians, etc. I sometimes feel like I am running a construction company. Would it kill him to pick up his socks around the house? Then when he does he acts as if its some amazing accomplishment and has to announce to the world what he has done. I am working close to 16 to 18 hours a day doing household duties and its getting to the point I can't do it anymore. He needs to do more. I have communicated this to him and he considers me as nag. Does he have to watch his hockey and football games every week? I tell him to do the dishes and he wants us to use paper plates and forks. Its just becoming too much and I need help.


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Nov 11, 2018 at 11:18am

If you are serious about working too long and too hard at home (family of 3, your kid is in school full-time... not sure what level of mess 3 people make), tell your husband you would rather go back to work to facilitate hiring a maid and nanny than do it yourself. Nothing wrong with not wanting to be the maid at home, but if you have 8.5 hours a day at home minimum while he is commuting to work and at work, 6 hours at home that is child free.... if loading the dishwasher really
Is that bad (and by all means, maybe it is), go get a job, refuse to load the dishwasher anymore, and pay someone else to do it. You don’t have to be the person in the relationship who stays home... neither of you actually does, but from your husband’s POV, you have hours and hours of time in the day to clean that he doesn’t, if you don’t like cleaning, honestly, just go get a job and hire someone. You sound really pampered... your kid isn’t even super young and at home with you all day... family of 3... it just sounds lazy.

Working 16-18 hours a day...

Nov 11, 2018 at 11:25am

Are you kidding? Tidy up + run/do some errands + make dinner + do dishes after dinner + drive your kid around and maybe play with him for 2 hours... i’d wager you spend at the very, VERY high end, about 6 hours doing work... FYI, most people work 8 hours a day for their employer and have to commute back and forth to work. I think if you actually hated the 16 hours of household work and childcare you do in a day (completely bogus sounding number BTW), you would get a job and pay for a nanny/maid. No one stays at home “working” because it’s harder than actually going to a job and working for someone else. Ask your husband if he’d rather stay home and do probably 3 hours of household work a day in front of the tv... you can only whine about picking up socks if you both work. You’re already ridiculous, if your kid is in school now - go back to work and be an equal contributing partner. You give women a bad name.


Nov 11, 2018 at 11:29am

"I am working close to 16 to 18 hours a day doing household duties"
So you work flat out from 6 am till midnight?
Do you live in a 17,000 square foot mansion with 3 acres of gardens?

this works

Nov 11, 2018 at 1:02pm

cancel the tv, cable whatever. make him do his own laundry and pitch in on the contractors. if he doesn't pick up his own socks, throw them out. if he doesn't like it, too bad.


Nov 11, 2018 at 1:43pm

Sounds like a nightmare.

Everyone who upvoted this

Nov 11, 2018 at 3:51pm

Is a fellow lady of jobless leisure.

They have no clue

Nov 11, 2018 at 8:04pm

To all the comments suggesting that staying home wit kids and managing the household is a piece of cake, I say you should do it yourself before you shoot your mouth off. Having one kid isn’t that hard though, but managing a full on construction project certainly is, on top of dealing with the child and household. There’s no point in even trying to make anyone understand the full scope of duties involved, or the fact that you don’t get a paycheque, you don’t get time off, you don’t get vacation or sick days, and worst of all, ignorant people think that you don’t actually do anything of value. It’s a completely thankless job; no doubt, but absolutely you are right that your husband shouldn’t just assume that because he gets a paycheque that means that his job is more important, or that he shouldn’t be expected to do anything else. Having done both for many years, (including a high-stress executive level job at the same time as parenting several kids), I can tell you that going out to work was easier than staying home!


Nov 12, 2018 at 1:29am

Think of all the normal women who work a 9am to 5pm job, plus household chores, plus taking care of children. Yep, my mom did that. And my grandma. And...


Nov 12, 2018 at 7:54am

My grandmother was always doing something if she was up---in the garden, sewing, cooking, cleaning, etc. This was right up until she broke her hip in her 80s and had to stop doing that sort of stuff. She never complained. She sewed her own clothes.

This woman sounds like the guy in the office with a desk job who's always tired, talking about how "hard" his job is.

The other thing to consider here is nutrition: if you were working sunup to sundown on a farm, ya, that would be hard labor. You're not doing that. If dealing with trades, cooking meals and picking up a pair of socks is so difficult, more likely you don't eat very well. And that's probably because at the end of the day you're not doing hard physical labor, so you don't have to eat well to continue feeding your family.


Nov 12, 2018 at 10:13am

Great point!!! Yes! The OP should go try and whine in front of single mothers and get some effing perspective. Lots and lots of single mothers out there who do it ALL. Also, to the comment that says she’s managing a construction project - PLEASE. She has a home reno in one (or two was it?) rooms. She’s not doing the construction herself, the sound of it is just disrupting her soap operas

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