I Am So Lonely

I am a SAHM to a child with special needs. I spend a lot of time alone. I want/need to lose fifty pounds. I am 5'5", 195 pounds. I have been struggling with the keto diet for years. I havr no one to talk to about this. Doctors and dieticians dont like this diet. I have tried and faikedso many times. I hate how fat i am. I dont have anyone to talk to. I am so lonely.


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Nov 21, 2018 at 10:15pm

You're probably consuming too many calories. If you've been struggling for years it is not for you. Exercise 3-5/week, eat healthy, go for walks after dinner, don't eat after 7, if you're hungry after dinner have a piece of fruit, drink lots of water. Start doing these things and the weight will melt off.


Nov 21, 2018 at 10:32pm

You are such a loving parent. I admire you. Sorry you feel lonely.
Have you read a book called the plant paradox.
Also, if you are under stress, at least for me, it causes a weight gain.
Hiking and walking have helped me. A
Also eating more protein, salads and veggies.

28 9Rating: +19

Hey... don't despair

Nov 22, 2018 at 1:23am

Here I am -- I'll talk to you. And here's the thing with keto, or near keto... don't look at it like a diet. Think of it as a healthy lifestyle, and it's crazily easy to adapt and maintain.

Here's a simple version that'll work well, and I'm no doctor and this will sound crazy... but it works wonders and you're never hungry... why? Because you can eat as much as you want of yummy stuff... though you'll find soon enough you're not as hungry, because what typically triggers your hunger... isn't there.

Here's a typical day... breakfast, five scrambled eggs in butter, melted cheese over it, fried bacon, coffee with heavy cream (not skim milk!!),
low-carb toast with butter.

Lunch: Caesar salad (no croutons), bacon double cheeseburger, no bun -- only lettuce wrap.

Dinner: you won't be very hungry, but scarf down some steak if you like and throw a fried egg on top of it for good measure

This typical day is very light on greens, so sprinkle whatever assortment of vegetables you like into it.

Drink lots of water. Drink as much coffee or tea as you like. I don't recommend Diet Pepsi or Coke Zero because of the chemicals it's made of, but you can drink that too.

The magic in all of the above is that it's virtually zero carbs... and if you do that for a few days, your body goes into ketosis and you will lose, especially at the beginning, crazy amounts of weight.

Here's the key -- don't cheat. You can't eat carbs and take yourself out of ketosis... you'll have to start again and it takes three days. So don't. Just say no to carbs and crappy added sugar and processed food -- and you're good to go.

Again, this is only personal experience, but I've been doing this for two years... I've lost 80lbs and my cholesterol levels are perfectly normal.

You can read all about why eating healthy fats does not give you cholesterol... too much to type out... Google it. And good luck!


Nov 22, 2018 at 5:27am

7 years ago this was me, I’m 5’2 and I was 180 lbs, I had back problems, high cholesterol, I was not happy in my life, my stomach hung over my underwear....I hated who I was. I had a supportive husband who suggested I see a trainer who was also a nutritionist. I had to learn how to eat again, I’ve also never stepped foot in the gym....it took a lot of hard work, determination, complete lifestyle change and I lost 50 lbs in 5 months, I trained with my trainer 3 days a week and on my off days I walked and hour or more a day....proper nutrition is key! I’ve maintained it, give or take a few lbs here and there, all my blood work came back normal!
Do yourself s favour, invest in yourself, money well spent
Good luck on your journey

18 9Rating: +9

Not so neato Keto.

Nov 22, 2018 at 8:58am

Get off the Keto diet and try the Mediterranean.
Veggies & Fish are much better for you than bacon and cheese.
How anyone can think a diet that involves eating as much fatty foods as you would like can help you lose weight, is lost to me.

Easiest Healthiest Way to Eat

Nov 22, 2018 at 4:03pm

Take your plate of food (with veggies and protein well represented) and serve yourself a full plate/serving as normal- then put 30-40% back. Easiest, no hassle way to eat and you WILL notice within a month how you look and feel better. No special food or counting required, and works any time, anywhere. Good luck!

10 4Rating: +6

Hey Cheer Up seems such a easy thing to say

Nov 22, 2018 at 4:37pm

I know where You are and once we know that loneliness is the human condition it takes away the sting of the loneliness. There are people who would use Your loneliness against You so it may be a blessing in disguise. Find someone if You can't afford the church is a good source of help even if You don't believe it's the freest advice You can get/ Plus you do no good to the child if You are not in a good place for yourself \\children pick up on this quicker than adults those little eyes see us & love us anyway. We need to be the best person to ourselves in order to give them what they need as people we brought in the world\\ also kids never come into the world w/ one parent so share the job just as You shared the bed with respect for one another even if it means you take the first step/ No one will ever call You the bad guy for taking the 1st step Good luck I know a lot of sex bikers & they are all over 300 lbs don't give up or in/ try smiling at everyone You meet after a while you'll be known as smiley the guy who gets what he most desires best of luck out there/ I have lived alone for 25 years love it, laugh lots, long & hard at things we can't change & things we need to embrace

7 9Rating: -2


Nov 22, 2018 at 4:58pm

Dieting is the lazy ass way of losing weight and being lazy is what got you fat in the first place. Buy a cheap bicycle and cycle daily. You WILL lose weight

6 18Rating: -12


Nov 22, 2018 at 6:07pm

Your personal experience over a period of five years is that your diet has not worked, and health care professionals consider it a bad idea. What would a reasonable person do?

12 7Rating: +5

Find A Hobby That Involves Exercising

Nov 22, 2018 at 10:18pm

Find a hobby that involves excersise. Not the gym, but maybe something that you can do, and actually enjoy, such as a climbing group, or walking group, or hiking group. You must do that excersise 3 times a week. Secondly, stop eating breakfast all togather. Small lunches (a sandwhich), and normal size dinner. The lower calories, and higher activity will make you lose weight quickly. Finally, you will correct you mood with excersise. Stay off the internet too because it's making you ill.

6 8Rating: -2

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