I didn't think it'd hurt this much

I'm completely heartbroken. I have never felt this kind of sadness before, and I don't quite know what to do with myself. We were so good together. He made me inexplicably happy. He said this was the most healthy relationship he'd been in and he was falling in love with me too. But we had to end it because he never wanted or felt ready for a relationship. And it hurts. It hurts because everything was so perfect... everything except for the single most important bit of actually being wanted.


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Dec 17, 2018 at 10:28pm

It feels like it could be me writing this right now. I feel you. I saw him on tinder today and it hurt.

Muscle memory

Dec 17, 2018 at 11:30pm

Yeah, "heartbroken" is a good word.
Mine was broken about a year and a half ago.
They don't know what they want and it's too intense, and not a good fit, and etc...
Indeed. It isn't a good fit. A friend and partner would not discard you. They'd try to work it out, compromise, find a way.
Ideal situations exist in an ideal universe. Or fairy tales. This is not that. Real life is messier, more ambiguous and complicated. In the ideal universe the heart would never be broken. Not so in this life. The heart wants what it wants. And when it breaks, recovery takes a couple of years, if ever.
But you learn how to get burned and come back from it. That is the only upside.


Dec 18, 2018 at 1:43am

Sorry you are in pain. Emotional pain is very difficult. You are brave to love so deep. No one has a guarantee that those we love will be with us forever. You did nothing wrong. Frustrating we cant control others and we have to watch them leave. I do not know your personal situation but I suffered a horrible loss months back. I promise it will get easier. Be good to yourself. Live one day at a time. Keep moving. Doing things like swimming or massage release trauma from the body. XOXOXO

20 7Rating: +13

Same Boat

Dec 18, 2018 at 1:18pm

Been there and I'm sorry you're experiencing it now. When things seem perfect but still aren't right. The best thing to do is cut all the cords attaching you to your life with him. It hurts like hell and feels wrong but it will help you get over the relationship sooner. You may not believe this now but you will soon. And just remember that you did nothing wrong - no self-respecting man will stay in a relationship he doesn't feel he deserves. You just got caught in the cross-fire. Mourn the relationship but move forward. You'll thank yourself later.

Grr please

Dec 18, 2018 at 8:17pm

Anyone who feeds you those lines but inexplicably can't be in a relationship with you is a player, please do not fall for that bullshit. You're better than that.


Dec 18, 2018 at 9:55pm

I'm with you sister. I feel I know every inch of 2018 because I had to will myself forward every inch. Nothing went easy, nothing could be taken for granted. The uphill climb of living life with a broken heart carries on.

To suffer this kind of pain just because someone decided I didn't fit romantically? I keep telling myself to get a grip! But try as I might, I hurt. I think there is something (an illusion at work) seriously wrong in me.

But this illusion is so close to the sense I have of myself, I can't separate from it...at least I think that's what's going on. But I'm only theorizing. It's shameful really, to be taking myself so seriously.

18 9Rating: +9

It hurts so badly!

Dec 18, 2018 at 10:21pm

As someone who allowed my heart to be repeatedly broken by the same selfish jerk for many years, I mean it when I say that I know how you feel. It’s agony when you’re going through it. But please remember that in order to get to the other side you have to endure this pain now. Trying to make something work that isn’t meant to be is the worst kind of torture, because you will end up feeling the same pain over and over again. I’m finally feeling strong enough to know deep in my heart that I’ll never let that happen to me again, but it took me almost 2 decades to get here. At least it was only a few months for you, and you haven’t wasted more precious time.

The pain boss the pain

Dec 19, 2018 at 1:49am

Will fly away in time. The promise of flight will settle down and life on factitious island will take us to newly diverting delusions once more...

Love is an instantaneous

Dec 20, 2018 at 6:45am

Moment frozen in time the pervubl the moment the arrow hit . It chooses us not the other way around . So of course it's definitely hard to over come the loss of such a gift .

was it...

Dec 22, 2018 at 4:54pm

because you said no to back door stuff?

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