Hoping gas prices rise!

I hope gas prices rise For me it has meant reassessing how much money I'm giving gas stations, big oil and the albortions who support them Now I take transit whenever I can My car stays parked unless I really need it If we all did this it would be a major kick in the balls to dirty tar sand oil, and the albortions who support it (no matter how much it endangers others) TAKE TRANSIT BC!!! It's faster in rush hour than your car!


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May 8, 2019 at 6:15pm

Buy a small displacement motorcycle and you don't have to ride the bus. I ride 9 months of the year and it works out the same as a transit pass per month.

15 9Rating: +6

Be careful what you hope for

May 8, 2019 at 8:42pm

Well, that maybe fine for Vancouver and for whatever job that you're doing at the present moment, but the rest of BC doesn't have transit like that in place. Many people have to drive an hour or more hauling their work equipment with them for all the contract jobs. If you need to put a new roof on your house, the rising cost of fuel is going to factor into that cost, and you may not be able to afford with the rising costs of everything else.
Fuel costs are applied to what manufactures ship to stores. Fuel goes up, everything you buy goes up, everything that's delivered to the store, and to your door, all the while your rents and property taxes are steadily increasing will go up. The money you have to feed yourself, and whoever you may have as dependents, that's going to decrease.
It will decrease as the price off your food goes up, and all your other costs go up.
If you allow yourself to get that stupid mental tunnel vision, you'll only focus on the one little upside of a possible way of how to handle a situation, but you'll completely disregard all the downsides about that possible way. You do it in that same manner that has caused people to be endangered as they are in Venezuela.

Think this through

May 8, 2019 at 9:31pm

Couldn’t find a job
Finally found a job 1/2 way cross lower mainland

Now to satisfy your hippy desires I’m required to take a bus, then seabus, then sky train and commute for 3 hrs a day.

I bet you drive a hummer and want the highways to yourself.


May 8, 2019 at 9:52pm

You don't need to own a car for high gas prices to affect you. Transporting food becomes more expensive for one thing.

23 9Rating: +14

Hope your rent raises

May 8, 2019 at 10:05pm

Less consumption will occur. Same thought process/ have fun!


May 9, 2019 at 5:08am

You guys really like the alberta hate in here. It's not like we're all canadian though?


May 9, 2019 at 8:22am

How fortunate you can afford to live in a big city that HAS transit.

25 6Rating: +19


May 9, 2019 at 2:43pm

"Albortions", really?
Most Albertans I've met are quite nice, actually.
How much thought have you given to the topic? Or is this just feelings?
Because only half of every barrel goes to petrol, and the rest goes to make the 100 percent of your lifestyle that is manufactured, shipped, packaged, or processed using plastic. Including public transit itself, ironically. Thus, oil (and also, petrol, obviously) price is part of the cost of all goods and services in your life. There are no exceptions.
Personally, I do love how much money EVs will take away from TransLink (20 cents of every petrol liter in taxes, ya know?) but not going to get one anytime soon. Expensive and inconvenient. Well, maybe a plug-in EV bike, because they're fun and frivolous. And make me look all virtuous and environmentally responsible.
Appearances are deceiving, of course. EVs require an enormous amount of energy, water and materials to extract (mostly mining), ship, fabricate and assemble. The environmental footprint is colossal. Google "Grasberg Papua" and check out the satellite view on Google maps. Each one of those little squares is a truck the size of a 2000sqft detached house. Running on diesel.
We'll need dozens of Grasbergs. Minin'copper for all your "renewable", electronics, wiring and battery needs, baby... Which will have to be disposed of, since copper is uneconomic to recycle and you won't care enough to pay an order of magnitude more to change this.
That's just one metal. And a relatively nontoxic one, at that. Rare earths, heavy elements, flammable and highly reactive compounds and alloys... I could write a book, but it's been done already.
The world is a very complex place. Simplistic solutions have unintended (and usually undesirable) consequences.

Ok kiddo

May 10, 2019 at 11:18am

Oh haha neat

Some of us have jobs.
Some of these jobs are in remote locations, like ports and concrete plants.

Some of us have children. What if we need to take our sick children to the doctor or hospital? Do you think that it is at all acceptable to bring a child with a contagious infection into a crowded and enclosed space?

Wow how short sighted of you.

Please Do Simple Math

May 10, 2019 at 1:35pm

Gas increases should not affect the prices of food. It's an excuse for everyone to raise the prices.
Say the price of gas goes up,sure it may cost $10 more to move that truck from the docks,to a warehouse,then to the stores. Lets go totally crazy and say it costs $30 more. Each truck can carry literally tens of thousands of items....lets go low and say 10,000 items. Simple math shows that each item should go up 3/1000 of a penny to cover an exaggerated amount of factors.

The proof is to ask a simple question: have you ever seen the price of food- or anything- drop back down when the price of gas drops back down?

FYI I used to be in shipping and transport....

9 15Rating: -6

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