I Hate Dating Here

I update my profile and get probably 10 or 15 emails a week. Most aren't age appropriate or attractive. I end up with maybe 1 that is borderline adequate and when I message them they don't respond. I am an attractive educated person making over $100,000 a year and I just want a partner who is my equal. Dating is impossible in Vancouver and if things don't change I am moving.


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Nov 24, 2019 at 6:11pm

If you want to date an a-hole make sure to include that in your opening paragraph. There aren’t very many educated rich people in Vancouver tho; it’s probably better if you move now.


Nov 24, 2019 at 6:27pm


Carrie Bradshaw

Nov 24, 2019 at 6:39pm

"I am an attractive educated person making over $100,000 a year and I just want a partner who is my equal."
I'm sorry you don't live in a Sex and the City episode.
On the bright side, the Bachelor Canada will be holding auditions again any day now.

I made...

Nov 24, 2019 at 6:53pm

... a lot of money in highschool, like, I couldn't work full time of course, but my hourly rate, well, let me do the math. I would've made > 150k a year, when I was 14, if I hadn't been trapped in a school doing, like, I don't know what the fuck it was, it was just bullshit. And the guy billing me out, he made 300k a year without any uni degree, same deal, worked through highschool, smart as a whip.

But the point is, now I don't make that much, because I been there, done that. Now, I also have an inheritance, so I have a house and a condo and a few things, like a handsome face and great teeth, but, you know, I would never tell you that if we just met, I'd let you think I was sorta poor and shabby.

Because here's the deal: if you want a serious relationship, that's not a business partnership. So you find this guy who makes six figures, fall in love (if you even can) and in 10 years he gets cancer and can't work anymore. Or he has a car accident , or a stroke, whatever. no more work. Gonna dump him, pink slip him?

When selecting a life partner, it's not about equality, it's about being complimentary. You have enough money, if he made even an average income, you two would never starve.

And I note here you just want your "equal." Is that because you need the money to have kids, or you just don't like people outside your "caste"?

Lemme tell you, straight up, if it took you until you were "educated" to make six figures...

"Take a look at what you are
It is amazing
Take a good look
You're no big deal
You're so petty"

I have to say, you aren't that attractive dear, I'm not the sort of man that puts notches on the belt, I'd rather have one Monet than a bunch of garbage Warhol...

My Advice.

Nov 24, 2019 at 7:12pm

You can't fix something that doesn't want to be fixed. Most people here are delusional, bordering on cultish and think things here are awesome. Complacency and dull is completely acceptable and even revered as something cool, it's seen as chill or laid back like it's a badge of honour. It's been like this for as long as I can remember and I'm middle-aged. It won't change. If you're a skilled professional and can afford to live in Vancouver, you can live anywhere. Leaving is an option.

Hey there

Nov 24, 2019 at 7:32pm

Need help packing?

No polite dating

Nov 24, 2019 at 7:59pm

You should read psychlogist Paul Piff’s research on modern dating and life! Seems right up your alley. Google his Ted Talk on money.

Against Odds

Nov 24, 2019 at 9:39pm

If you're a woman looking for a man of equal wage earnings of a 100K, good luck with those odds. Majority of people don't make near that much, and the men that do, someone else younger, and more attractive would most likely have them before you ever get there.
Instead of looking for an equal wage earner, just try finding someone that you know won't go stabbing you in the back. Find someone that'll always have your back whether your rich or poor. Remember, never take more than can you give.

Of course I'm only assuming that you mean equal wage earner otherwise I can't see why you would mention your income unless it was to brag. That would be petty.

46 8Rating: +38


Nov 24, 2019 at 10:10pm

Please do!


Nov 24, 2019 at 10:15pm

" I just want a partner who is my equal." Have you considered smoking grass, mountain biking, smoking grass, watching Netflix, skiing and smoking grass?

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