Thank you

For not staring at me last week on the streets. I got off medication about 2 months ago that messed up my hormones really badly and my face is covered in pimples, scars, cysts, you name it. It was my first time leaving the house without makeup and I was heading to the doctors for my acne prescriptions. I only had one person stare at me in disgust. Just a reminder that not everyone who has acne doesn’t care about their health or is simply a dirty person. Sometimes it’s the luck of the genetic draw (my mother also suffered with skin issues and hormonal imbalances), could be stress or other health issues. Don’t be quick to judge and please don’t stare. You don’t know how much courage it took to leave the house.


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Dirty person?

Jan 10, 2020 at 12:10pm

Is that actually a cause of acne? My understanding is that it's almost always hormonal or gut related.

Hopefully this will sort itself out once your hormonal fluctuations calm down, OP! In the meantime Makeup Forever stick foundation works really well for covering acne. It covered mine and I get bad cystic acne too. It's pricey but lasts a long time.

I am...

Jan 10, 2020 at 12:56pm

... utterly filthy, acne was only a problem in K-12 when I was Vitamin A deficient. I started eating liver, no more problem. Eat 1 lb of liver a week.

I would never stare

Jan 10, 2020 at 1:51pm

Sorry that happened to you. I’ve had acne before ( haven’t most people?) and I can’t imagine staring at someone who did. Remember this is just temporary. Your skin will heal. Give it time.

@ I would never stare

Jan 10, 2020 at 4:22pm

That's such a kind comment, I agree. I have no idea what's wrong with people these days. Just be good to one another people, don't make others feel like shit!


Jan 10, 2020 at 4:24pm

I find acne is rarely about poor hygiene. it's most often a skin disorder or secondary to another disorder. tho no one deserves dirty looks for their acne regardless of the cause.

Oh my heart goes out to you....

Jan 10, 2020 at 5:51pm

I had horrible acne for years, I tried everything, creams, injections, antibiotics, accutane multiple times. Now people compliment me on my skin constantly. It will get better, I promise. It sounds as though you have a doctor but as a previous poster mentioned, a lot of it is hormone and gut health related. Maybe try a really good probiotic (the staff at pure integrated pharmacy and finlandia are really good) I honestly think that’s a good part of why mine cleared up. Good luck!!

Been there

Jan 10, 2020 at 8:13pm

gut related? ask your doctor to do a simple blood test “transglutanimase “ (spelling?) to determine if you have celiac disease .


Jan 10, 2020 at 8:43pm

Try azaelic acid and alternate with rosehip seed oil, those are the only topical ingredients that have worked for me. Good luck!

I’m proud of you!

Jan 11, 2020 at 11:32pm

It took a lot of courage to leave the house and you did it! Way to go!
One day your acne will be gone but you will always have the inner strength and courage that you drew from today.

Best wishes for you for 2020 xox


Jan 13, 2020 at 9:20pm

I don’t think a person who has acne is dirty. Most of the time, it’s from gut bacteria imbalance or some sort. My suggestion is to cut gluten out of your diet. I am not a doctor but I had a friend who suffered from facial acne for years. She noticed that when she ate gluten, she broke out more with acne. She stopped eating gluten completely, and her acne cleared up eventually. She then ate gluten again to test if she would get acne, and she did. So she knew that it was gluten that was causing her acne. I think it’s worth the try. Hope it works for you.

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