Some people are seriously confused

We’ve been told to stay in, but that it’s okay to go for a walk or cycle as long as we maintain distance from others. So I know a couple of people who are freaking out because they see people out and about. One person is filming outside his place every day, showing people riding bikes or or out walking. He’s angry because he wants to go out to walk his dog, but “these selfish people” (as he calls them) are outside! Apparently he can’t grasp the irony, as he’s standing outside just like they are, often walking their dogs, just like he wants to. People need to get a grip.


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If you want to get accurate info

Mar 26, 2020 at 2:49pm

tune in to Dr. Bonnie Henry every day on the news.
It is perfectly OK to go for a walk with your dog, just practice "distancing".
You're right OP, people need to get a grip.
And for fuck sakes everyone learn the difference between quarantine, self-isolation and safe distancing.
It ain't that complicated.

16 6Rating: +10


Mar 26, 2020 at 3:58pm

And I’m outside because I have to go to work! You think I want to be outside and put myself at risk every day? Put myself out there everyday and expose myself to people that have it everyday?!but someone has to help them and keep the health care system going. Thank god you get to stay inside and film people. I’m so fucking anxious and stressed because the odds of me getting it are so high. Sorry. Ranting . Stop giving me the side eye for being on a bus to work or shopping after a 16 hour day because we are dropping like flies from stress and symptoms.

14 5Rating: +9


Mar 26, 2020 at 9:47pm

He's not just a reality show clown but a tectonic demon mass

11 4Rating: +7

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