Less pollution... wonder... less CO2?

If half of humanity is staying home, and it is sort of working, I wonder if we have a viable option that we can explore to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and CO2. We still need to find jobs for a lot of people... but I wonder if our global footprint is far less this way, or if it still results in the same. I think driving less certainly helps.


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Apr 3, 2020 at 6:54pm

Sadly, with the state the planet and more people staying home and not flying or ships operating allows more sunlight to get through to the planet. It's called the aerosol masking effect. As the atmosphere clears more sunlight is melting glaciers and permafrost. Permafrost holds tons and tons of greenhouse gas and as permafrost melts, its released. Nothing can stop climate change now, we can only attempt to slow it down, so we can manage the disasters better.

What we have learned from COVID-19 is that if we all do are part we can change the trajectory of something. When Covid-19 is done, together we can slow the effects of climate change.

Some things to consider to help slow the effects of climate change.

1. Make Your Commute Green.
2. Be More Conservative with Energy Usage.
3. Get Active and Vote. One of the best ways to improve climate
change to is to help those who will fight against it get into office.
This means voting for legislation and politicians that aid against
the detrimental effects of climate change.
4. Recycle/don't upgrade tech so often.
5. Educate Yourself and Others
6. Encourage the use of renewable energies

6 6Rating: 0

Furnace Guy

Apr 4, 2020 at 8:14am

Home heating is the second largest contributor to CO2 emissions. Unless everyone is sitting at home in the cold, the increased emissions from home heating will offset the decrease in emissions from less driving.

4 5Rating: -1

No, sorry

Apr 4, 2020 at 10:00am

This is but a drop in the ocean. The only way to save the planet is to drastically reduce the population, by at least half of what it is. It's going to take a lot more than Covid19, avoiding travel, and people having 'only 2 kids' to do that. I don't think it will happen unfortunately.

7 3Rating: +4

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