
I am a straight/cis woman, but it makes my day when other women smile (back) at me, or *gasp* say "hi" or something kind when we pass each other (within 2m) on walks. It means so much more to me than if a "hot" guy did same. I really cherish these platonic encounters with other warm, confident women. Maybe it's particularly meaningful because my relationship with my mom was strained and my female 'friend' group ditched me after I got sober 5 years ago.


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My friends ditched me too when i sobered up

May 7, 2020 at 9:05am

In my case from smoking the weed chronic. Now i realize they did me a favour because their lives are going nowheresville and i was getting pulled down with them ... ps: cannabis does have medicinal properties when bred properly for the CBD instead of the THC and when prescribed properly, but i was not using it medicinally. for example, Aspirin (asa) was originally extracted from the bark of the willow tree and has a legit medicinal use, but if abused it will soon blow a hole in your guts; and same with cannabis; if abused it will soon blow a hole in your judgement. Now when i cross paths with my previous pot-head friends they seem goofy.

15 9Rating: +6

Cue the guys who think

May 7, 2020 at 9:18am

women are nasty to each other fight each other over men.
Yes, there are some dumb bitches who bought into the programing that our whole existence should revolve around being in a relationship and that other women are competition or a threat, but most of us know better and know that no guy is worth hurting another woman over.
I usually find something to compliment other women I meet... especially if they seem sad.

This is so sweet

May 7, 2020 at 11:46am

Hear hear, sister!

16 8Rating: +8


May 7, 2020 at 1:15pm

You've just created a paradox.
Women spend a fortune on clothing,make up, bags, shoes, etc etc.
80-85% of the floor area of any mall in the world, every shopping district (Robson, S Granville, London, NYC,Paris etc) and big box stores (Walmart, HBC, Nordstroms,etc) is for women.

So women don't dress up to impress men,and they don't dress up to out compete other women for the attention of men.

Which is it? Can't be both.

@ my friends

May 7, 2020 at 1:22pm

What does this have to do with girl on girl

10 8Rating: +2

@What does this have to do with girl on girl

May 7, 2020 at 5:52pm

Reread the original post. Its about the connection between social alienation and substance abuse. And the premise of my answer is that substance abuse, even in moderation, never helps; its always detrimental to our wellbeing.

8 4Rating: +4

Say what??

May 8, 2020 at 1:14am

Walmart is for women? Then why is it always filled with fat guys on scooters?

5 8Rating: -3


May 8, 2020 at 9:26am

If you can't think of another reason why a woman would dress up other than to impress men, you're ignorant.

Somebody else explain it, please.

8 6Rating: +2

Woman here

May 8, 2020 at 10:00am

I smile and compliment people as a way emit positive energy to others. It has nothing to do with attraction or something hidden, I just want to be a good human. Sometimes, people respond with negative energy but I let it roll. There's too hate in the world and I don't want to be part of the negativity.

8 10Rating: -2


May 8, 2020 at 11:05am

Dearest OP,
Women are socialized in all kids of ways, from how they should look to how they should interact with other women. It takes a lot of effort to understand we’ve all been programmed by those with the power and that the purpose of that programming is to maintain the existing hierarchy. The single most powerful thing you can do for yourself and for your sisters is to understand this is misogyny and your fellow women are still following the programming. The only way to change it is to defy it. Raise your eyes, make eye contact with women and smile. Do it because it’s rebellious. Do it because you will radiate your own power. And empower your sisters to do the same. And welcome those smiles when you get them. Also? You can join my coven any time you like. We like to swim naked in the ocean at night, eat bowls of hot pasta and talk shit about the patriarchy.

6 11Rating: -5

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