Dwindling friendship

I used to have this super funny, creative and open minded friend. Over the years I lost her to the world of corporate finance, 9-5 life and frightening money obsession. I’ve seen it coming for years but recently realised she’s so far gone in that world and our personalities & values are completely different. I don’t want to hang out with her anymore, because every conversation is about money! I’ve told her so many times that I value a simple life but she can’t leave it alone and is always bringing up $$$. So sad. Does anyone have a friendship like this ?? How do you deal?? I don’t want to lose her as a friend but I also can’t deal with constant talks of finance.


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Money can't buy you love

Aug 4, 2020 at 10:06pm

Tell her she's going to hell for making money her god, and when she gets there she's going to be absolutely broke and with nothing for all eternity.


Aug 4, 2020 at 10:56pm

I find it strange that this type of person remains in Vancouver, a city that doesn't even have a real business district let alone a finance centre. Just a corporate office here or there. Do you think they know they're actually total lightweights and would be eaten alive in a real city?


Aug 5, 2020 at 1:13am

My exp has been that when they get married and have kids (& you don't) that's when the friendship starts dwindling.

12 4Rating: +8


Aug 5, 2020 at 6:40am

Hmnnn...this comment and it’s attitude of superiority sounds eerily familiar to another one made about a different post. The idea that one has to be anywhere but here in order to lead a life of interest.

11 5Rating: +6


Aug 5, 2020 at 7:45am

I know someone who is ALWAYS chasing the $. I respect their work either for sure, and they make millions a year now. But their family suffers, there is almost no downtime and they have missed out on living a full life because of it. BUT they will financially comfortable, where people like me, meh, I don't need much

8 4Rating: +4


Aug 5, 2020 at 8:09am

Ask her to pay? I'd like to say have a hunting conversation but if she works in corporate she is probably used to a more harsh approach now. Hopefully she will balance out in a few years but if she has money she will probably like spending money. You might need to say something like "I'm poor!" instead of "simple life".

4 5Rating: -1

Be Fair

Aug 5, 2020 at 10:41am

You are probably boring her to the brink.
Just tear the bandage off already!

10 5Rating: +5

T. Tok

Aug 5, 2020 at 2:41pm

She’ll be in a mental hospital in no time. Lots of brilliant folks in those buildings.

8 4Rating: +4

it’s ok to not be friends anymore

Aug 6, 2020 at 8:41am

It doesn’t really sound like much of a friendship. Why are you trying so hard to be friends with someone you don’t like anymore?

8 6Rating: +2

In Case You hadn't Noticed

Aug 6, 2020 at 2:41pm

We live in one of the the most expensive places in the world.
Complaining about being too money focused is Ok when you're 25, but if you're 50-60 and have no retirement fund, no home, etc I imagine it gets very scary.

10 5Rating: +5

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