Dr. Henry, Please Cancel Christmas and New Years Eve

Theresa Tam, Bonnie Henry and other provincial health authorities should effectively "cancel" Christmas and New Years Eve gatherings in Canada. Currently in BC there are restrictions stating non-essential travel is not permitted until December 7. These orders should be extended (and widely publicized) to a date after January 2 to curb the holiday travel period. I prefer not to break my Mother's heart and tell her I do not want to travel to visit her as a personal decision. I live alone but would be required to take public transit and a ferry to visit family from Downtown Vancouver to Nanaimo. What if I am an asymptomatic carrier and spread infection to my immediate family? Many Canadians want the government to objectively step in and make this decision for us. Even if I am supposedly healthy and safe (wearing a mask the entire time while travelling), this violates the spirit of our community effort to curb the spread of Covid-19. In fact, even without orders from the government, getting together for Christmas feels extremely selfish. Surely, we can skip ONE Christmas/New Years for our collective good. I think our family members who live alone may perceive to be sad, depressed etc. because we cannot meet up with family. I'd rather be alone than feel a sense of anxiety during the ENTIRE trip and family gathering. Even those of us who live in isolated family/roommate units who can drive directly to a family members house without a plane, bus or ferry to catch shouldn't get together either. Should they be allowed to get together simply because they live in the same community or have a vehicle? No.


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Um no?

Dec 4, 2020 at 5:18pm

So you’re saying you want the government to officially ban travel just so you can tell your mom that you’re not coming to see her because the government tells you that you can’t? That’s ridiculous. Everyone needs to manage their own risk and weigh the situation. Having a large gathering with multiple different households shouldn’t happen and I think everyone’s clear on that. I live alone, work from home, and only leave my house for essentials. My parents are retired and living in tofino. I’m not going to let the government tell me that the 3 of us low-risk people can’t get together at Christmas in my parents’ home. We are all taking every precaution to stay safe and healthy without endangering anyone. I go from my home to my car to their home interacting with no one.

Totally agree

Dec 4, 2020 at 6:18pm

Get together remotely. Surely we are adult enough to make some temporary adjustments.


Dec 4, 2020 at 8:10pm

Why not cancel the other religious holidays instead?

I like

Dec 4, 2020 at 8:36pm

Dr Henry 's calm and gentle approach but I feel that some stronger minded folks might need words that show a more firm tone. I have a gentle personality and it doesn't work with some people as far as getting things done. Keeping everyone safe right now shouldn't be optional.

Stay home...

Dec 4, 2020 at 8:50pm

And suck it up! The people whining about having to miss Christmas get togethers and making a big fuss about it are just that: whiners! The number of entitled and spoiled brats (of all ages) that I’ve listened to and been at the mercy of (the rest of us are at risk because of their selfishness), is beyond belief. I’m thoroughly disgusted at these people, and it’s really illuminated how completely self-absorbed so many people really are. SMH!


Dec 5, 2020 at 7:46am

I haven't celebrated xmas for 1 years and my family knows this

8 9Rating: -1

@Um No

Dec 5, 2020 at 8:52am

You’re the exact sort of person who I’m talking about. It doesn’t matter if you’re safe, taking precautions, being healthy. A shelter in place order means exactly what it means. I’m sure there will be thousands of people just like you making the same selfish justification to travel to see your family. Thousands of people travelling doesn’t seem like the right thing to do right now. Our parents and grandparents are likely to be in the high risk demographic as well, and I don’t believe the flu shot has been released yet either.

@@Um no

Dec 5, 2020 at 1:40pm

Listen to yourself. Some people just can’t seem to bear the thought that we’re not all going to be miserable alone the whole pandemic. As I mentioned, I live alone and physically interact with no one other than the grocery checkout clerk once a week. My parents are the same. Just the two of them living alone and only going out in public for essentials. Yes the flu shot is already out and yes all 3 of us got ours. I plan to go to Tofino by driving directly from my house to theirs not leaving my car when on the ferry so not interacting with anyone the whole trip. Once I get there, the three of us will have dinner at home, hang out at home, and at the most go for a walk in a large open area. We’re not out mixing with others at all and after Christmas will go back to our regular lives where we interact with next to no one. That makes me selfish??? Get a grip - you’re not better than anyone.


Dec 5, 2020 at 1:40pm

Typo. 10 years.
All the hype around Dec 25 is always a recipe for letdown. I get the idea of the celebration is to reclaim the winter solstice light during the winter but there are more sensible ways to embrace this.

11 7Rating: +4

G. R. Inch

Dec 5, 2020 at 3:29pm

Yes, cancel gatherings. But Christmas? Maybe just cancel yourself.

9 13Rating: -4

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