Never an ally

Despite my best intentions and always giving people a chance with an open mind toward them, I’ve never much had a good experience in trying to befriend my peers. Put it this way: the more similar we are in age, race, socio-economic standing, the least likely I’ll have a friendship with them. I’ve had way better friendships with people above and below my age, in the opposite gender, in other sexual orientations, with other races, and in different earning brackets. It’s like people who are more different to me accept me more readily. People who are too similar to me get competitive and things turn south real fast. It’s gotten to the point where if I come across someone new, and they’re similar to me, I will write them off because I already know it’s not going to work out, friendship-wise. I say this as I miss my two friends who are 10 & 15 years younger than me, and my confidant who is 20 years older than me, badly. All those folks who you would think be my automatic friend group based on appearances, it’s just been chapters of disappointment and wasted energy. And it makes me wonder sometimes, when I’ve seen groups of similar guys or groups of similar girls, how they manage to stay friends.


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Me too

Dec 22, 2020 at 4:00am

Could have written this myself. I have friends from early 20s to early 80s (I'm somewhere in the middle). Very few my own age though. My older/younger friendships are really simple - we just enjoy one another's company. No pressure, no sense of being used. I always feel better about myself when I see them. I feel very fortunate.

20 4Rating: +16


Dec 22, 2020 at 6:55am

This is true in my experience too. I chalk it up to competition and the fact that any former friends of the same age want to either compete for the same opportunities such as as jobs or resources or want to use me as a way of helping them get these things.

16 5Rating: +11

Piñata 2020

Dec 22, 2020 at 6:57am

I think this year has smashed wide open for all to see the appearance versus authenticity divide in people’s friendship value systems.

22 4Rating: +18


Dec 22, 2020 at 7:53am

don't know why its like that really but I understand what you mean.

12 8Rating: +4

Not quite the same

Dec 22, 2020 at 7:58am

Have been friends with younger & older (& similar age) but definitely prefer people with similar hobbies & values... and social status (single & kidfree) because attached/parents have a lot less free time.

12 5Rating: +7

What are the chances...

Dec 22, 2020 at 12:24pm

That everyone like you is the problem... But you aren't part of it?

9 17Rating: -8

@What are the chances

Dec 22, 2020 at 9:14pm

What are the chances you are the same troll who sows doubt and blame in response to every confession?

24 7Rating: +17


Dec 22, 2020 at 9:27pm

I think self-loathing plays a factor. If you hate yourself, you're also going to hate people similar to you.

@ @What are the chances

Dec 23, 2020 at 2:11pm

You think there's only ONE of them???

The trolls live where they are safe.
The internet is their bridge.

11 6Rating: +5


Dec 23, 2020 at 4:44pm

yeah i think its called maturity as opposed to pack of hyena of same chattering away in places. also the me me western culture that discard elderly provides less chances of connecting with other age group but its perfectly normal in other advanced cultures

8 8Rating: 0

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