Not impressed with Dr Bonnie anymore

The soft approach worked for the first few months, but now we're almost one year in and no end in sight for 2021. Many of us are trying to do the right thing and paying the price of being lonely, stressed, depressed. But the lack of hard rules and repercussions allow others to do what they want, leave their communities, meet with people outside their bubble... and the rest of us suffer with never-ending Covid lives. There are places in the world (Australia for one) who have been living fairly normal lives, no masks, concerts, family gatherings because they had strict lockdown, closed borders, and steep fines for a few months. A few months of lockdown then freedom for the rest of the year, versus a full year of weak rules and very limited freedom. How much longer are we expected to do this? When will the government DO something rather than putting the responsibility and burden on us, when clearly some of us could care less about the rules? Close all borders, road checks, stiffer fines/charges for rule breakers. Stop f* dragging this out!


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Agree wholeheartedly

Feb 6, 2021 at 11:22pm

Our government is more concerned with being popular than they are with our safety. It’s long past time for some genuine consequences for not obeying the rules. I’m sick of this situation where people are told to stay home and yet they’re actively encouraged to visit local tourist spots! How ridiculous is that? The ski hills are packed, the trails are packed, beaches are packed, parks are packed. Anywhere that is remotely enjoyable to be is packed with people, making it entirely impossible for proper social distancing. No repercussions for rule breakers, putting the onus on people to “do the right thing”, when it’s obvious that we’re living in the most entitled society on the planet, and clearly the majority of people don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone else. Time to get tough. Lock down completely until there are NO new cases. Otherwise this stupid situation is going to drag on indefinitely.


Feb 6, 2021 at 11:33pm

The inevitable backlash against someone who once was popular.


Feb 6, 2021 at 11:39pm

And why am I seeing tourists downtown!? Taking pictures, shopping....gah!!

43 7Rating: +36

Totally agree

Feb 7, 2021 at 12:43am

Close the fucking international borders. No flights, no travel between provinces and cut off access to large outdoor spaces where people are being careless. This needs to stop and lax rules are not making this go away. I’m sick of being at home alone all the time. My EI runs out in a month and then I’m fucked. Please make this stop!

Ho wow seriously?

Feb 7, 2021 at 12:43am

We're all adults. Why would you think our government has to berate us and force us to behave ourselves like children? Do you want the government to come over and wipe your bum? If COVID-19 spreads its on us, don't blame Dr Henry.


Feb 7, 2021 at 12:57am

how do you know they're tourists? I take pictures of my local areas in dt of clouds all the time.

She has

Feb 7, 2021 at 1:00am

Been useless since the beginning. It was only luck that we had our Spring Break later than back east. Most Covid cases came from easterners coming back from Europe and the USA.

After that she and the useless NDP botched it. We could have closed our border to Alberta but they were too weak to do it....The Atlantic Prov closed their borders and we could have done the same. We could have forced a two week quarantine on everyone flying into BC but Henry is too weak.

Look at the measly $230 fine....A total joke. It took way too long for her to have a mandatory masks....She and the NDP (Who chose to have an election during a pandemic) are a disgrace.

Not many people listen to washed-up-Henry anymore as her edicts have been weak and inconsistent. Time for her to pack her bags and go back to the military.


Feb 7, 2021 at 1:34am

For those who don’t follow soft rules, what makes you think they’d follow hard ones?

Dr. Henry is doing the best that she can.

New Zealand is an island with a smaller population whereas BC is a province that is especially exposed.

We didn’t get the vaccines in the timeframe we planned for and this has thrown a lot of best made intentions for plans out the window.

It continues to be a wait and see game.

And it becomes a dangerous one of defining that fine line between what we must live with and without.

Business interests

Feb 7, 2021 at 7:32am

Are whispering in the ear of public health.

27 6Rating: +21

No enforcement

Feb 7, 2021 at 7:45am

BC has had the luxury of low numbers and being able to debate about the virus for so long they don't know how to take it seriously.
Sure, Blame the Woman.
In other provinces, the MPs are the scapegoats because they are the ones in front of the camera.

16 8Rating: +8

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