
My marriage ended a few months before March, 2020 and with that, I lost a lot of my social connections. I'd just started to resurface into the world when lockdown hit. My adult kids live out of town, the rest of my family is out of town, and I live in what I call "the land of the married people". I work alone, I live alone - got a cat, and so far, I've managed by telling myself to "keep it together, keep it together". But now the cracks are breaking open and I'm feeling loss and loneliness in a way I hadn't anticipated. Others can gather with their 10 people outdoors, and I have no-one. I don't like pity parties and I know it will get better, but right now it feels like I'm hanging by a thread. Maybe it's healthy to acknowledge the feelings instead of stuffing them down; I don't know. Guess I'll try to find another group to join via Zoom, but it's not the same as being close to someone, having a real conversation, having a hug (I wasn't a hugger pre-Covid, but now I feel a lot differently!). I miss having someone's eyes light up when they're talking with me, that happy connection. And now it's hitting me like a ton of bricks. Sigh.


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Mar 24, 2021 at 3:00pm

I had the same feelings from an introverted year. Have been back at a very large work and have witnessed that most people who tried normalcy and socialization throughout the last year seem mostly burnt out, angry and blaming everyone. Makes sense, there's no comradery when there's no staff room. when work is where you went to avoid covid rules. Isolation sucked, but the grass doesn't appear to be any greener judging by people who played all winter. Hope you feel better soon.

Having been there...

Mar 24, 2021 at 3:47pm

Feel those feels. They will come back, with interest, later in life.

We all deal with mental health differently, but it's worth investing in therapy ASAP, if you are not already. I was not a big proponent of such earlier on in life, but I'm really glad I finally bit the bullet when I did.

There is a care that we don't often give to ourselves, expecting others to be able to make us feel whole... I can't describe how much of my life I missed out on by not loving and listening to that part of myself. We all have Little Versions of us inside, all of them wanting desperately to be heard by the Us We Are Now... those are the pieces to love and cherish and treat with gentleness yourself right now.

Take care of yourself! With the kindness and gentleness we usually only reserve for the Others we love in life.

16 4Rating: +12


Mar 24, 2021 at 5:06pm

Understand far too much. As you mentioned, yes allow yourself to GRIEVE, set aside an hour a day or something - what you had, who you were. Sounds like you're doing well for yourself though.

9 5Rating: +4

I’ve met

Mar 24, 2021 at 6:01pm

two men this year that separated from their wives a month before COVID hit.
They were anticipating a big exciting life with freedom , sowing their oats , etc

14 7Rating: +7


Mar 24, 2021 at 9:29pm

Yeah. My husband died of cancer in Jan 2020. My friends are all married and have largely abandoned me as a result of that and COVID. They all have their partners and kids, and their bubbles with other even-numbered couples or families. I feel like a leftover person who is nobody's priority. My dad also died last April. I'm 38 and also keeping it together as best I can. I focus on work and rest. I hold space for myself to cry, and focus on eating good food and getting enough sleep. Hang in there! Take time to feel your feelings. I also talk to a psychologist and that helps.

22 4Rating: +18

same here

Mar 24, 2021 at 10:17pm

I literally have the exact same story! It's not been easy, as you know. I'd like to recommend a book to you called "Rebuilding" by Bruce Fisher and Robert Alberti. As the title suggests, it is for people working through divorce, but it helps you work through the various stages. There's a lot of good information for how to get your life back together. I've read about half of it so far. Good luck to you!

10 4Rating: +6

I'm an Mpath

Mar 25, 2021 at 5:43am

So it's easy for me - I just throw on a movie and I feel every part even the furniture. However I also have what I call a primo-graphic memory: I recall every detail of the first time of doing pretty much everything.
So when I think of love plus watch say you've got mail it's...well it's Niagara Falls. You're right- memories only go so far

4 4Rating: 0

Lower your expectations

Mar 25, 2021 at 7:26am

I keep thinking of the children starving in Yemen.

4 7Rating: -3


Mar 25, 2021 at 9:49am

Thank you for all your kind comments. For the most part, being an introvert, I've been okay with the isolation but I'd stuffed away that piece about how "alone" I am. I focus on gratitude (a place to live, a job to go to, income, my kids are safe and healthy) and try to keep busy, but I have not looked at the fact that I am so alone. I guess finally I forced myself to see the thing I'd been repressing, and so much bubbled up. I'm going to switch things up a bit, try to get out a bit more to do things (better weather helps) and see if shifting things will help. And I'm not looking for a new relationship at this point; I don't have that emotional energy. Just to sit and have coffee with someone I like who likes me (any human) would be lovely.

@Widow - I'm so sorry for all the loss you've experienced, especially in these challenging times. Sending you positive thoughts and can I say love? Yes, I can - from one human to another, and hoping you find healing over time.

@same here - I've checked and my local library has that book, so I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. Thanks for the recommendation - it looks like exactly what I need right now. All the best to you, too; it's comforting to know I'm not the only one in this space right now.

So thank you, all you lovely people!

10 4Rating: +6

Been There

Mar 25, 2021 at 4:28pm

Widow here as well.
My new best friends...are single people. The old friends who were couples have marginalized me ruthlessly, and I don't know why (is bereavement catching?? will I steal their unappetizing husbands???) This makes me feel hurt and let down. But the single people, the other widows or divorcees or shy folks -- they get it. And they're kind. Remember what your granny said? "If you want a friend, BE a friend." Find the other single people at work or in your neighbourhood, particularly in volunteer roles, and consider reaching out your hand. Good luck!

6 4Rating: +2

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