
Even though I’m in my mid 30s, mentally I feel older. For some strange and reason, I feel as though I have the mentality of a 66 or 76-year-old man. No, I’m not grumpy or anything. I’ve always been separate from the rest of people my age. Maybe it’s just me but I find that people around my age just bore me to death. They’re all the same…Superficial, phoney baloney and so disconnected from reality. None of them seem to spark my interest whatsoever.


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It ain't about age

Jun 20, 2022 at 12:48pm

It's about stage

10 2Rating: +8

Some strange reason?

Jun 20, 2022 at 4:22pm

Isolation and lockdown and I assume a bunch of electronic devices with which you spend a lot of time on. Make a goal of checking your email once a day and that being your only screen time per day. Try for 2 weeks. Walk in the summer sun without a device in your pocket. Appreciate the beauty of bloom without taking a picture and uploading it to some social media site. What do you have to lose?

10 3Rating: +7

It ain't about stage

Jun 20, 2022 at 5:43pm

It's about sage

8 3Rating: +5

No, it’s not just you

Jun 20, 2022 at 7:08pm

I’m not sure why anyone assumes that something would only affect them out of the billions of other people on the planet, but I digress. This is a very common feeling for lots of people. Especially if you’re very young, which you are. As you age you’ll find that you meet more people with whom you have more in common. In the meantime just carry on being yourself and don’t worry about it. You’re not unusual and it’s just that you’re spending your time with the wrong people.

10 2Rating: +8

I get it

Jun 21, 2022 at 7:26am

I'm going through something like this. For the majority of my life I was a social butterfly and party animal and I was always up and chatty etc etc. Over the last 5 years or so I've become quiet and not interested in a lot of social things.
I also know I've outgrown so much of the socializing. I'm so tired of drinking days out and mindless chat about others or meaningless thing on the internet, basically dead end conversations about nothing.

My friends are very nice people, but I would love to talk about dreams, goals, how to get there, whats holding us back.. something meaningful. But alas, I just don't have those types of friends which OP makes me understand you. So, what do we do about it?

11 2Rating: +9

@ It's about sage

Jun 21, 2022 at 11:11am

Yes ! Thank you
<><><><> :-) <><><><>

4 2Rating: +2

@No, it's not just you

Jun 21, 2022 at 1:43pm

--> " As you age you’ll find that you meet more people with whom you have more in common."

The opposite has been true for me -- the older I get, the more different (at least internally) I seem to be becoming from the vast majority of other people, almost to the point that I can barely find anyone who mentally resonates in many areas past certain degrees anymore.

When I was much younger (a child and in my teens), this wasn't the case. My consciousness was less complex, specific and defined, and I had friends who were quite different from me -- but the differences weren't very inter-relationally incompatible, or foreign to the point of being nearly 'alien' sometimes, like they often are now.

5 2Rating: +3

You too?

Jun 21, 2022 at 6:13pm

I hear ya on this one! Eleanor Roosevelt had a good quote… Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Oh, and when I hear the word “literally” used twice in under five minutes I get the heck outta there!

11 3Rating: +8


Jun 22, 2022 at 7:22am

Being 67 years old myself its fun to imagine a younger man thinking like I do.

Then again, teenager girls probably don't ignore you like they do with me.

2 3Rating: -1

Is that you

Jun 22, 2022 at 10:48am

Holden Caulfield?

2 2Rating: 0

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