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Had a crush

On this beautiful woman whom I worked with over many moons ago. They called her the Boss Lady. She was a single mother, but it didn’t matter. She had the most gorgeous soulful, crystal blue eyes that really sparkled. Even her teeth were perfect. The sound of her soothing soft spoken voice always cheered me up. Hadn’t seen her since God knows how long. Then I found out that she’s taken. She now has another man in her life. They’re getting serious. No more chances for me. Oh well.

I must confess

I’ve be entering my exes name and my first name in any contest I see, I hope he wins the hot tub because he’s very cold and a loser and maybe will change his life around!

Telltale Laugh

People, especially children notice my insincere giggle and comment on it often. Throughout my life, I thought it was sort of a technique I used to shake off insecurity. After spending time with my family, I now discovered it's actually a subconacious reaction I developed to all their really bad jokes. It's a laugh that says "this isn't funny but I'm laughing anyway because that's what I'm supposed to do".


I lost people in my life, had failed relationships, fell out with friends and a few acquaintances here and there, but I still have my dignity. Wait a minute! On second thought, no. It’s long gone. When I was 10, it ran away from home.

New wave

I been on a hot streak lately and been out with a bunch of women a bunch of times. After a few dates with multiple people, I realize I don't know shit about them. Late 20's, early 30's? Do they have kids or ex's or family? Even the shows we've been too are indicative of anything. It's been fun. Fun like I haven't had in a long time. Pure fun. For a long time everything was generic, boring as f@ck politics and drama. Even the follow up texts and emails aren't clingy. I'm not clingy, they're not clingy. Whatever this new wave of fun is, I'm here for it.

It won’t change

All my life, I’ve been a lonely person. Even when I’m in the company of some people, whether inside a conference, workshop, gathering or party, I’m always lonely. You could put me in a room full of 10, 20, 30 or maybe even 150 people and I’ll still feel lonely.

No more

I’ve had trouble with girls that it’s getting to the point where I just don’t care anymore. I can never get a date whether it’s in real life or even those lousy online dating apps. If anything, I should’ve been gay. I feel like I’ve failed as a straight man.

Metrotown life

There seems to be more hikers with bear spray there than on the trails. Is crime out of control at Metrotown or something? Every 2nd day, I hear something about bear spray at metrotown in the news.

Friendship and Hot Buttons

I have an old and dear friend. He has hot buttons for the War in Ukraine and Gaza. I walk on eggshells. If I push one of the hot buttons, he will go away and sulk for a year. Sometimes he tries to push one of the buttons, but I won’t play.


Sisters of Mercy Outside the Rickshaw

I inquired about the metal fest going on and we had a brief talk about metal genres and then...

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