

Search confessions

I’m turning into my mom

I’ve started to drink instant coffee like her because I can’t stand the idea of one Starbucks coffee at $5 each. I’m happy to stay at home this long Easter weekend because I can’t summon the strength to plan, plot and execute a weekend of out-of-town fighting long weekend out-of-town traffic. I understand now why my mom would just lie in bed after a long day at work and ask me to massage her legs. My daily grind is exhausting and all I want to do when I get home is put on my old sweatshirt and shorts and flake out. My mom would never show up empty-handed. She always brought something to the party even if it was modest. And I do this too, bringing treats to my friends or siblings or the deserving coworker. She grew up in an era of scarcity and still to this day will save glass jars and plastic containers for future re-use. The extra stuff would drive me bonkers in my small living space, but I try and re-use like she does and getting off the never ending treadmill of buying and throwing stuff out. The one thing that I won’t repeat of hers though is eating Kraft Singles. Life is too short for process cheese.

I just don’t care red

I just don’t care about the people complaining they can’t affoed a home in vancouver. Just like I don’t care if they can’t afford in Whistler, Zurich, New York etc etc. Some cities are expensive. You get what you can offer in life. Good news is you are allowed to work harder and earn more.

We're learning nothing from history

Repetition tricks the mind to think it's group concensus. Politicians do it a lot. I fear that the Conservatives want power at any cost. I fear that the Conservative media combines this repetition trick with the excessive broadcasting of fear while appealing to base greed. Look at the trolls on here, repeating hate over and over. These sway people. It worked in the USA, and I fear that it's working here too. I fear that the Conservatives know that, and are imitating the same tricks that Trump does to gain power. We all think we're different from the USA, that we'd never make the same mistakes. Guess again; Ontario and Alberta are showing us otherwise. I think we are just like the USA, and fear that the Conservatives want it this way. I fear that they have deals with the US Republicans for personal profit, even if it means selling Canada's soul, pushing for two-tier health care and cuts in education to appease their masters south of the border. I fear that Canada is losing itself, and that when we figure it out it will be too late.

Scary thugs

I see them every week, a cluster of thugs. Menacing, unfriendly and deliberately intimidating. They take over a cluster of chairs around the same time in Yaletown at the Urban Fare like a gang of bullies. Muscled up, tattooed. Friendliness is shot down. Yes, I'm talking about you, VPD. I don't feel safe seeing these particular ones congregate. My gut tells me this pack hanging out there is bad news. They're not like other police. They cast a dark vibe.

I wish

That when a company passes you over for a job, they told you something more than "We're going in a different direction"


Not taking a few seconds to respond to someone's text can sometimes be very detrimental. It hurts when you feel lonely and your friends don't reply. Someone I know killed himself and I think part of the reason was that he felt alone. Please. Reach out and reply.

Bad Drivers

I've started a new game, when I'm walking around and someone doesn't pay attention to the stop sign or red light in order to make that right turn I give the car a bit of a kick. I know I shouldn't be doing it, but then again you should be coming to a stop and looking where you're going. Hopefully this scares you into being more careful since you think you hit someone.

Spotless Mind

It's been about a year since he suddenly left me. And I'm not doing well. I wish lobotomies were still a thing.

I think...

I've hit a cross road.... too much has happened to me and I've become bitter about life, I feel like I'm too beaten down to go on, so I need to make a choice, it's either end it now or get proper construction training,move far away and devote my life to building homes for those in need.... I guess I'll choose the latter and try to make a difference before I go, maybe make up for the bitterness

ever since weed was legalized

it is more difficult than ever to buy and I am beginning to suspect that the government prefers to persecute marijuana users until they completely control the situation, at least as far as the profits go. I mean, can you imagine if the government suddenly pointed to all the studies on alcohol and the damage done and said no more beer for you - what would people do? I think that 420 represents the cannabis consumer because it will be a protest, that if nothing else legalization has corrupted and threatens to eliminate our beloved BC growers who currently distribute life saving cannabis to the people rather than hold out for the highest dollar per gram. The situation here in BC absolutely deserves the right to protest but if the authorities do not think so they should try to take everyone's alcohol and then when they do allow the alcohol make sure it is nothing like the original, and charge everyone double or more you can bet it would be much more than a protest.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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