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Candid camera!

For a long time I've suspected my landlord, who just so happens to be my aunt, was coming into my suite (I rent her basement suite) when I wasn't home. She admitted to doing it to previous tenants and even her own step-son, so why wouldn't she do it to me? Well, last week, after living here for 5 years, I bought a security camera. Low and behold, on Monday afternoon, I caught her and her friend (a neighbour from across the street) come into my suite and snoop around! Without my permission and without 24-hour written notice. What really outrages me the most, though, is the fact that she brought a complete stranger into my suite. A stranger who I don't even associate with. This person could've stolen anything.

Advice To Myself

I wish I hadn't wasted my 20's jumping from one relationship to the another. I always thought there was someone better. I am now in my late 30's and I have come to the realization that I messed up a few really good relationships. Some of these guys had everything and I messed it up. Dating in your 30's versus dating in your 20's is completely different. I keep kicking myself for being so stupid in my 20's with relationships.

Weather is Better

...Yet something is still wrong? emotional contagion theory.

Such an anticlimactic year so far

Crap raise. Crap bonus. Client fucked me over. I honestly help friends, then they literally fuck you over when they get a “better offer”. I put myself out there only to get a sack of shit hit me on the face. Why work hard and why help people with jobs and career advice and helping their causes? There is literally no point. I never ask people how they are anymore because no one gives a rats ass about me. I don’t give myself halfway anymore.... no point. My bubbly happy self has deflated to a popped balloon like a used condom left to rot on the ground.


When you give and give and give and it’s never enough and still you give and feel worthless, it’s time to move on.


I turned 29 a few days ago. Most of my friends are either having kids, married, or in a long-term relationship. I’m just not sure how I fit in anymore. My last relationship was over a year ago. I’m no longer meeting new people. I liked this guy I met and thought he might have liked me a little too. I was going to ask him out. But he didn’t continue our conversation for me to even have a chance to ask the question. I’m not ugly, I’ve been called pretty and cute before. I don’t have problems talking to people either. I excercise regularly and have many hobbies. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Skytrain Dancing

I saw a girl subtly dancing on the skytrain this morning and it was the best thing I've seen in ages. She was beautiful and confidant and fun. Made my day.

Vancouver is boring AF

Living in the Lower Mainland all my life, I have seen it all and it has not aged well. Sure, we have great scenery, trails and even restaurants that are not bad but there is no culture. For someone like me who is NOT into drinking, drugs, sex and crime, I find myself insanely bored to tears with this city. Almost everything out there like festivals are geared towards children. What about adults who wish to do and be part of more in life than working and raising children (if they have any)? Why can't things be more affordable too?

I hate phone "zombies"

I hate how society has changed to the point that people no longer communicate like people. Their faces are constantly glued to their phones, and when you do try to talk to them they appear distracted, disinterested, or dazed. GET OFF YOUR PHONES!!!


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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