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I see how PhDs live now

I work with academics and we are Zooming during the pandemic. I am now seeing how some students live to meet their educational goals. I think they are crazy to do this to themselves. They are smart and talented but get the worst living situations, ever. That's all that is affordable. I hope academia wakes up and realizes it's going to get priced out shortly. If those degrees are worthless and people have to live like this, people will NOT want to get any higher-level education. This society is such a mess right now... at least in Vancouver.

Never lived

My life. I have never felt like anything other than an appendage of someone else


What is the point of confessing feelings? Profess sincerity with honest intent of connecting and get accused of being disingenuous. The more effort is made in demonstrating sincerity, the more the effort is doubted. It's total sabotage that encourages abandonment by being discouraging. Is this an age thing? I want maturity!


Sometimes you really can forsee the future. Just as I thought. Its better than dealing with abusive behaviour though. But there really is no help out there. I checked the proper channels Nada Have to rely on your witts Sad world :( I miss my sons the most, So love them. You, I dont miss. Your a bad man

Starting To Think

Common sense is a misnomer. From personal experience, I've observed that common sense unfortunately isn't that common...

Worldwide global digital casino video game

I'm addicted to the stock market. As soon as it closes I just want it to open again. I have nothing else going on in my life. I don't make money at it yet but it is enjoyable and challenging and interesting. Greatest game on earth! But I need to find something in life outside of the markets.

I wish

Christopher Hitchens could come back and tell us what the afterlife is like.


Even after all this time knowing we are incompatible, I still want you. When I’m not careful, my mind drifts to you in the day and I get a rush. But in truth, my dear, it only works in my mind. And maybe not even then.

I'm "non-binary" in terms of "gender"

By virtue of my genes and genitals I'm also a female- depending on the day one may assume me to be "cis gender" a term I frankly despise as it only enforces expectations, stereotypes and judgments on what it is to "look like a woman" (or man etc). When asked my "sex" on a medical form or something where its reasonable for them to note what body parts I have, without hesitation I circle "F" - but note that the options of "Female or Male" leave out a range on inter-sexed people - folks who's biology does not land in one of these categories- because genetic sex IS NOT A BINARY EITHER! I've decided these days when possible to leave the"sex" or "gender" boxes blank as in most cases my genitals shouldn't matter nor should how I "present myself". It's been a long journey for me as a woman to feel ok with my body parts and personality- as a child I was dubbed a TomBoy and struggled a lot with how i felt and the things I liked to do and if I was still a girl because I didn't like many girly things. It felt wrong just existing most of my life, but I'm done with that. I dont mind "non-binary" because it doesnt tru to describe what I AM, but notes what I'm not. Kind of like I'm "not straight" re: sexual orientation


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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