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What do you do?

So this is an odd question but here goes: how do you handle situations where you’re with someone when you run into someone you know but you’ve forgotten that person’s name? If this happens to me, I just admit that I’ve forgotten their name, and I introduce my companion. Something like “I’m so sorry but I’m terrible at remembering names and I’ve forgotten yours! This is (——).” At that point the person usually just says their name and the brief moment of awkwardness is past. But a friend of mine gets so freaked out by the prospect of this awkward moment, that instead of just doing what I described, they insist that I act like we’re not together at all so they don’t have to deal with it. We were going for a walk and he had arranged to meet a relative of his friend to deliver something for him, but he knew that he had forgotten the guy’s wife’s name and she was going to be there. Before we got to the place he was supposed to meet them, he started getting really anxious about it. I didn’t clue in about what he was expecting from me until we got about a half block away, when he sees them and just runs away telling me that I should stand on the corner and wait for him to get back. I was stunned. So what I’m actually thinking is that he really just didn’t want these people to see him with me, which makes me very suspicious and uncomfortable. After he came back I said as much, but he just insisted that wasn’t true. But my gut says that I’m right. What would you do?

Regarding Craigslist Missed Connections

A month ago or so posted something about seeing someone I was interested in....anyway I got a couple of abusive replies....anyway screw's not as innocent as it better than Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.

I still have a BIG crush

For the old white house press correspondent Kayleigh McEnany. She's so frickin' smart, attractive, and sharp as a tack.

Spoiling the bunch

To the commentor about strata bullies. You can file a complaint with the BCFSA. You don't want to make your situation worse but you have to live there and bullies love to make your life hell if you're their target. I'm beginning to think it's a widespread issue with all the complaints they get, they might attract this type of person to the job. Maybe suggest they have to do a criminal record check to sit and that might weed out some of them out. With anything in life, there's good and bad, don't let a rotten apple spoil the whole bunch. Do what you have to do and focus on the good out there. Help others that might go through the same thing any way you can.

I think I'm done man hating now

But I'm not sure how to meet someone new. They have to be kind, honest and have a sense of humor and a yest for life, not to hard on the eyes ! Not jealous and controlling and can stand on their own two feet, not mine and be able to keep up with me and definitely someone with Did you ever seen that movie Weird Science ? Probably need a machine like that to make him :) I love a good adventure !


I really can't figure out why I'm so taken with Jenna Ortega. She's got very plain features. She tiny. She can't dance. She is nowhere near as pretty as Zendaya. I still want Ortega. Hell, I'll take two!

Exhausted from trying

Almost falling asleep tired all day, wide awake all night. Major Depressive Disorder is such fun.

Solved that problem

No more phone service lol One cellular provider, won't mention their name Doodo are a bunch of Liers with a substandard service. Using untrue marketing promotions that are basically bullshit to get you to sign with them. By the way I did not refer two friends as your ridiculous bill implied. Chow Dodoo Shifty Practices I say and Cancelled :)

Dont work for family run businesses EVER!!!

Family businesses are toxic AF. All of the baggage and drama and BS gets aired out constantly. Dumb family dynamics are pushed on to non family employees and bad patterns of behaviour get hopelessly entrenched. I used to like my job, but these dumb people and their bullshit are doing my head in. Im gonna wait till it gets SUPER busy then quit. The family members are now on their 3rd vacation of the year while we are swamped with absurd work orders that are nowhere near realistic. Fuck this place. Im so happy im leaving. Just a couple more weeks.

Picked a place to live

Beautiful spot just past the Crocker Land Mountains where the weather is always a balmy 74 degrees. Now how to get there is the next question ? Anyone going my way :)


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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