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Self love can be confused with narassiam but why can’t you love yourself when you have no one else who wants too

I look at myself in the mirror, I see what I hold. I see my blue eyes, full of kindness and strength. I see my lips natural soft, just like the words they produce. I see my body, how it carries me through out my life. I look at myself every morning and I know I am beautiful. I know I have a beauty many others don’t have within them and outside of them. I’m a kind good person, I love too much and I think too much. I feel peoples feelings without them needing to speak of them. I see myself at night. Standing in the mirror thinking why. Why can’t someone love me? I love everything about me and I know am beautiful. I see the way men stare at me, how strangers approach me and tell me what they need to say cause I have that soul. I have the soul of holding broken hearts and making them feel whole, even if it’s for a brief second. So why can’t someone love me the way I love others, the world, myself. I just want to be whole heartedly loved.

Tell me what you want

I confess that I don’t have time for veiled hints or subtle gestures designed to keep me guessing about true intentions. That’s a disaster waiting to happen. If you want me in your life say so. If you’re too afraid of rejection to risk it then you’re not my kind of man.

His jar of hearts

Or in his case, it was a jar of keys. Same thing I guess, because I can only imagine how many women gave him their heart along with their key. Artifacts, I called them. The saddest thing is that he really didn’t clue in that it wouldn’t always be that easy to keep collecting either. He claims to be happy, but I can see right through him as usual and he’s got a bewildered and mildly desperate look in his eyes now. I used to hope that my love would be enough to break the pattern, but now I know that with some people, nothing is ever going to be enough. They’re addicted to looking for something better right around the corner and they’ve always got one foot out the door. Just like I learned to live half a life when I was with him, I’ve finally learned to live my whole life without him. “Who do you think you are, running ‘round leaving scars?”

All My Relations .... re: Toppling Statues

is an issue these days ie. the controversy of the John A. MacDonald statue. I sympathize with those who are suffering the intergenerational traumas of colonization. I am one myself. However, the 'me versus them' mentality most often only makes things worse. How about we leave the statues where they are and put up our own statues in the same location with a plaque explaining what really historically happened and our prayers for a better future. OCM - Coast Salish Sto:lo affirmations of positive love.

Found in translation

I professionally translate/adapt dialogue for plays, movie scripts, TV shows and the like from X language into English. I confess that whenever I get to the argument bits, I always pepper the text with witty one liners and fleeting expletives from (in some cases, decades' old) fights between me and all my exes, and from bitter-turned-comical spats my mum and dad used to get in. My late gutter-tongued aunt also is a source of inspiration when words fail me. I do so largely for the sake of flow, authenticity, and naturality when the context calls for it. And trust me, the material is as juicy and colourful as one can get, not to mention seemingly bottomless. Makes for fantastic therapy. :-)

I guess I’m old

When did it become expected that parents would be doing their child’s homework along with the child? I keep seeing this and I don’t get it at all. The idea is that the child is the one doing the assignment, and if they don’t get it right they don’t earn the marks for it. How is a teacher supposed to know the true ability of the child if their assignments are being done with the parent? My parents never once helped me with homework, and for the most part my kids also did their own assignments. I get helping them with certain things or helping them study by quizzing them or something, but sitting beside your kid for hours doing their assignments with them is ridiculous.

I am That Guy

I want a relationship but it never ends up there. It just ends up being sex and not much else. I would like to have a relationship that's more then sex. Its like you bounce from one woman to another. Its always "We're just hanging out". So we're never dating but we have sex 2 or 3 times a week. I don't understand why I am not bf material. I am not a #$#$# boy.


The other day I was about to close the apartment door I've been short-term renting and a cat waltzed right in. It had clearly been there before. It walked right over to the couch and jumped up next to me. I worked on my laptop and it settled right in, and I think I felt the happiest I've felt in a long time.


Two options: Do I take Door 1 - job I have no honest interest in for a 40% pay cut or what I was making 20 years ago. Or Do I take Door 2 - status quo unemployment and build business with partner who is super eager to launch? It seems like a betrayal to myself to rewind my salary gains 2 decades back. Advocating for more. It’s 2024 with killer inflation after all. If I do #1 I’ll just end up quitting anyway rite?


North Vancouver Encounter, June 12th 2022

I believe this took place between 11AM and 12PM, but I could be off by an hour or two. The...

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