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New World Order

My workplace is a great example of all the worst things about globalization.

I love him

When we met we were both 18 and I was a struggling student so our lifestyles matched. Now I graduated and have been working for a few years and bought my own condo and hes still in the same spot. He lives for a week at his parents house, couch surfs at friends, and then stays with me for a few days and it goes on and on. He has the same job at the restaurant he had at 18 and I just think we're moving in opposite directions. I encourage him to get a trade or some certificate to make more money but he won't. I want a house someday and kids and I can't do it on my own. I don't understand how he has no money at the end of the month when all he pays for is food. I am embarrassed that I pay for everything because a relationship should be 50/50. I love him but I deserve someone better.

Toss up

Not sure who's going to die first - my dad or my dog.


Every time I'm about to sit down to eat a meal, I suddenly have to excuse myself to pee. Same thing with my dad.

Yom Kippur respect

To our Jewish communities on their 'Day of Atonement'. A time to make all things good & proper. Atonement is an Interesting word: ...................................At One Ment .................................... But who got the guts & the perspicuity to do, as the authentic Prophets of Old and the Peaceful Warriors of this age, ie. Gandhi show us: "You be the change you want to see in the World" ................ "when enough of us take care of first things first then, and only then, will we achieve critical mass for real change.

Just about done

I'm am so tired of supporting a friend who is has left her manipulating cheating partner (which took a couple years) and now she is seeing him again and they are trying to, or maybe going to work it out... "he has been better" "he makes promises" "things are changing" She is SO naive it drives me insane! She is a great woman although she's no spring chicken, and should know better, this cycle drives me batty, it's been going on for years EVERYONE dislikes this guy and she knows all the bad shit he's done.. so seriously WTF? How low is your self worth?

Dearest Work Vampire Cult Leaders

I have had it with you, your promises and your arrogant assumptions that I need or want to be a part of your soul-sucking cult. This goddamned job is hard enough without you constantly goading all of us into taking more work than is reasonable for the average crew. Peer pressure is normal for high schoolers but you arrogant white men are both in your 60s and you should be ashamed of yourselves. When you brought me on, you made me a promise: mentorship. It’s been 3 years and guess what? Haven’t kept it. When you brought me on, I also made an observation about your business: no succession plan means no future value. And guess what? I was right. Your business is imploding through a lack of management. I won’t invest my career or my future in it. So, fellows, I’m out. I’m going to stick around through this cycle and let you pay me to shake hands and make myself a new deal in greener pastures. I’ve learned my lesson, but I doubt you’ve learned yours.

I was...

... a very unhappy young man growing up. Back in my University days, a friend fed me some magic mushrooms, and I was much happier. If I take mushrooms or acid or mescaline or something broadly "psychedelic" a few times a month, I am much happier, healthier, etc. Too bad the Fun Police criminalize them...heaven forbid people get too happy!

Yup I know this is the most minor of confessions

but I complained to the manager of my supermarket today (without mentioning the cashier's name) that I'm constantly having to tell the cashiers NOT to place heavy items on top of my bananas and tomatoes. And this isn't just one cashier at this store, the first item they grab is my bananas and right to the bottom of the bag! WTF?

Living To Work

When I get home from work the last thing I feel like doing is cooking dinner.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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