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Working from home

My intake of breath mints has diminished significantly in the past year.

Is everyone saving?

Read an article today about Canadians saving tons during the pandemic. I don’t get it. I’ve spent more in the last year on clothes, takeout, groceries, and ride share (vs transit) than ever. With takeout, it’s maybe once or twice a week at most. The clothes is just wanting some nice stuff here and there (sweaters for work-at-home, some nice shirts for summer). I also enrolled in a course which was pricey. Maybe it’s just that I don’t even earn that much to save. I don’t think I’m doing anything that extravagant, but hey. Please tell me I’m not the only one who hasn’t managed to put a few thousand dollars into a savings account since last March?

I Want to Be Wanted!

It has been so long. I just want a man to want me again. That look, to be be desired.

To the guy in the west end STILL banging a pot at 7pm

Get over yourself. I respect the efforts of first responders and healthcare workers but now you’re making it just about you. And yes, I’ve seen you take a bow at the end. Pls stop you’re embarrassing yourself.

Good To Know

I lied to my boyfriend that I was pregnant to test if he was a good man to see if he was the type of man that would be honest and stand by me but he failed miserably.

Secret Lips

I'm attracted to women with bright lipstick but I can't see any lips. Maybe y'all should apply the lipstick to the outside of your mask so I know who to be attracted to?


My mom said something to me recently that makes me think she looks at my amazon orders to see what I’m buying. The downfalls of sharing your account with family...


It seems very, very wrong to be jealous of someone whose parent will be dead in less than a year. But I really wish I had a year (or a month or even a day) when my dad died. There was so much that could've been said.

Ive always

Been alone in this world but Ive just never really understood it til now. Truth is freedom. Breath Again. Lovely


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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