Step away from the Window

Last night driving past your apartment at Hastings and Renfrew, I noticed you in the window, well...rubbin your nubbin. You may have been on the upper floor, but buddy, it was really obvious! In any event, I'm not looking to hook-up with you. I just thought you should know that if I could see you, so could other people. Find your self loving out of public view. Oh, and thanks for the laugh!

When: Saturday, December, 28 2013

Where: Hastings @ Renfrew




Dec 29, 2013 at 6:39pm

Hey Lady, what he does is his business. If he wants to wank by the window that doesn't concern you. And to presume that he was wanking for you! Oh the arrogance!


Dec 30, 2013 at 7:20am

He probably wanted to be seen - might be an exhibitionist. But technically, I suspect it's a violation of the Criminal Code....


Dec 30, 2013 at 7:36am

I never said I thought he was into me. I don't even know who the guy was, I happened to be a passenger in a car passing by. He didn't see me and was well under way by time I saw him. I said I didn't want to hook up to clarify that the purpose of this "I Saw You" was not to get a meet up (because generally that is the point). Also, wanking in the window is considered indecent exposure. He's lucky it was me who saw his ween and not a cop.