White Rock - Brass - Marital?

I walked out wearing a black ball cap and long-sleeved Hockey Canada shirt. I said hello to you and who I can only assume was your husband. Neither of you looked, well, happy. As I was leaving I looked back and you were looking right at me. Our eyes clearly met and I smiled. You had to go in. I thought you were lovely and I bet you were there by your choice. I want you to look at me like that agsin. If you should see this please reply and tell me which one of us was downstairs as I left. Oh yes, that felt like an instant connection to me in what 20 seconds?

When: Wednesday, September, 17 2014

Where: White Rock Session



Just weird...

Sep 19, 2014 at 9:22pm

Maybe the had just lost a parent or pet and weren't happy. Many she stared back as you said hello so she was trying to place if she knew you.
Why are you creeping and posting about strangers you think are married.
My friend was stalked for a year by someone who thought they had a connection due to random public "eye contact connection" No, just no.
She didn't "have to go in" she went in with her date willingly. I doubt some weird stranger could ever lure her away from a relationship because they made eye contact.

Judge, Jury AND Executioner?

Sep 26, 2014 at 2:48pm

@ Just weird...

Do you write fiction for a living or are you just simply skilled in forensics? The poster posted in "I SAW YOU" which seems to be an invitation for whole spectrum from full-on creeping to re-finding long, lost friends. Also note the question mark which follows marital in the title. Furthermore, since 'past performance doesn't predict future results' your friend's difficult with the random eye-contact stalker, while truly unfortunate, isn't the norm - it's an extreme - and you can be rest assured the sky isn't falling. Sounds like the poster hit a nerve in you for some reason and while your fiction (aka make believe scenario) does indeed paint a strange picture, the fact is its all fantastical and I'd wager big-money that you're no lawyer...

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Martin Dunphy

Sep 26, 2014 at 3:55pm


Actually, this is not a forum for finding long-lost friends. Or thanking people for smiling at you. Or a lost-and-found department.
Thank you.

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