Gender teaching

I’m a straight woman. I love looking at men. I appreciate male beauty. However, as a woman, it’s been drummed into my head since birth that we aren’t to let on that we like what we see, or at least not overtly. My point is that it has nothing at all to do with biology and gender when men openly leer and gawk at women. It’s just that they’ve been taught that it’s their right to do so, and we women are not granted that same benefit in most societies. I’m not saying that women never stare, but really, how many times have you witnessed a bunch of women sitting together calling out things to men that walk by? What about a woman openly letting her eyes slowly travel up and down a guy’s body when she’s working with him? It’s not that we don’t want to, but we would be harshly judged if we did.


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Reminds me

Jul 15, 2018 at 6:21pm

Of that infamous "cat calling" video,some woman dressed up in tight pants walking around New York. Very little of it was rude,mostly guys saying "hello" turning to look after she passed,and being presented as sexual harassers. Women outraged,all over the news,arguments flying on social media,etc.

Then a few buff guys did the same things and to the dismay of the special snow harassed MORE than the woman did.
But wait,it's not harassment when a woman comments on a man....amiright?

I see it....

Jul 15, 2018 at 7:50pm

all the time....thing is....when women do it, it's not sexual assault.

This is Bullshit

Jul 15, 2018 at 8:19pm

A lot of leftists are obsessed nowadays with trying to convince everyone that biology doesn't matter. Everything is a "Social Construct." Everything is artificial and arbitrary.
This is a giant crock of shit. Men don't stare at women because we've been "socialized" to do so, we do it because we get turned on visually. That's why men look at porn, but women prefer to read about sex ( 50 Shades, romance novels etc.) Yes, I admit that sometimes I stare too long, but not because I was taught "its my right to do so," but because.... it feels too good.
Women are visual, but usually to the extent that they drool over a pair of designer shoes or jewelry. Its not that you were socialized to think its wrong to leer at men, its that most of you just aren't interested in that. You just feel weird and guilty because you're outside the norm of most women. A pair of Manolo's gets most women's heart racing. Manolo himself? Not so much.
If you like checking out guys as much as you say you do, go ahead. This isn't Afghanistan. You won't be stoned to death for checking out some guy's ass. Most men would get a huge ego boost if a woman ogled them.

What's happening here?

Jul 15, 2018 at 9:17pm

Wait a minute, all woman are victims?

@this is bull

Jul 16, 2018 at 3:57am

No, your comment is bullshit! Where do you get off thinking that you know how women feel? Lots of women are turned on by visual porn. That's a complete crock when people say that we don't. Not only that, we do get judged differently all the time! Any guy who says otherwise is an idiot. If we behaved like entitled guys do when it comes to making comments about a woman's body and how they feel about it, or if we openly leered and drooled when we are talking to a hot guy, we would immediately be labelled as a slut. Imagine some woman is talking to you at work or in a store or something, and all she does is stare at your crotch instead of looking at your face, and you might get the picture. I say it again, you guys are socialized to think it's acceptable, and women are socialized not to do that. You have no idea what women are actually thinking!!!


Jul 16, 2018 at 4:58am

Women look head to toe in Europe. In eastern Europe women basically eye f*ck you. And they let you know whether they enjoyed that or not.

17 9Rating: +8

Average rape ape

Jul 16, 2018 at 6:01am

Wrong. It has everything to do with biology. Women have better peripheral vision than men. They don't get caught in the act as much as men.

@What's happening here ?

Jul 16, 2018 at 6:49am

only if it is profitable to do so....the options of womanhood.

I call bullshit...

Jul 16, 2018 at 8:01am

... I have lived in the City my whole life, and I can count on one and the number of times I have seen men engage in this "inappropriate" behavior. Caveat: I don't go to "Clubs" and I don't frequent Granville Strip on Weekends.

OP sounds like a ridiculous slave who is upset by her unfreedom, who wants men to be in a state of unfreedom "because equality." You're allowed to look at people, only slavers say otherwise. They're your eyes, they don't get to control them.

Women do it.

Jul 16, 2018 at 10:13pm

I'm guessing you've never been checked out by a lesbian.

10 9Rating: +1

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