Enigmas at the Imperial

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      Assuming you somehow aren’t familiar with one of the greatest psychedelic garage bands this city has ever produced, do this before we go any further: drop everything, hop on the Internet, and punch in “Enigmas + Windshield Wiper + YouTube”.

      Suitably fucking impressed? We knew you’d be. As indebted to the ’60s as the Enigmas are, it was actually the ’80s when the quartet reigned supreme, pretty much ruling the Vancouver club scene with fabled live shows where the sweat never stopped flowing. For a long time, the fabulously retro-fashioned quartet was one of those iconic bands that you sat around wishing you’d been born in time to see. Lucky you. After blowing the roof, walls, and everything else off the WISE Hall earlier this year, the Enigmas have returned to action for an encore performance this Saturday (November 15) at Vancouver’s Imperial, a club quickly gaining a reputation as one of the most gorgeous rooms in the city.

      Still not convinced that you need to be there, even though often-shirtless singer Paul McKenzie looks like he’s developed a thing for riding motorcycles on-stage? Go to Google and punch in “Enigmas + Teenage Barnacle + YouTube”. See you in the front row. 
