Win tickets to Marshall Crenshaw at Rickshaw Theatre

      Marshall Crenshaw learned to tune a guitar at age ten and has been making music ever since. His first big break came in 1978 playing the role of John Lennon in “Beatlemania” on Broadway. Over the course of a career that's spanned nearly four decades, 13 albums, Grammy and Golden Globe nominations, film and TV appearances (Buddy Holly in "La Bamba") and thousands of performances, Crenshaw's musical output has maintained a consistent fidelity to the qualities of artfulness, craftsmanship and passion, and his efforts have been rewarded with the devotion of a broad and remarkably loyal fan base.


      Two tickets to Marshall Crenshaw at Rickshaw Theatre on September 17 at 7:30 p.m.

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      Contest Deadline: Friday, September 15, 3:00 am
      Winner(s) will be contacted either by phone or email.

      See full contest details & rules