Bitch stole my...

baby name!!!! I told my friend how much I loved a particular girl name a few years ago. That if I ever had a daughter, that would be her name. I probably repeated that a few times as stuff like that comes up in gf circles at our age. I loved that name... had a short version of it too. The 'friend' had a baby girl the other day ... guess what??? Brutal.


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It's too bad

Nov 7, 2015 at 8:10pm

I've had a lot of my favourite baby names taken by friends and acquaintances already. It wasn't intentional though as they didn't know I wanted to give these names to my kids. Not much I can do since they all got married and have kids while I'm still single... sigh. It's best if you pick several good names, and don't become too attached to one in particular because you never know what can happen: either someone you know pick that name first or you meet someone you dislike with the same name. At least now you know what kind of "friend" this is. Moreover, if you cut this person out of your life, you would be free to use the same name since you don't have an acquaintance with a baby with that name anymore. ;-)

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Let me guess,

Nov 7, 2015 at 8:24pm

was the name Seven?

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Nov 7, 2015 at 8:57pm

Nice of you to be happy for your friend bringing a new life into this world. Yes have suffered greatly but just think, if your first child is a boy you'll surely be copying someone else in this world and 'stealing' a name from thousands upon thousands of mothers worldwide. Have a great day!

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Nov 7, 2015 at 10:04pm

Bitch, you ain't got no baby and you ain't gonna keep a lot of friends with your attitude either.

It may be a bit of a burn... but you could look at it as a bit fantastic that your former friend thought so much of your idea.

The best ideas unshared can be yours alone.

To "Let me guess"...:)...hahaha!NICE.

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Nov 7, 2015 at 10:07pm

beat you to it. Fair and square. MTFO.

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Nov 7, 2015 at 10:17pm

I named my baby girl 'Brutal' too!

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And sometimes....

Nov 8, 2015 at 11:13am

We choose the 'perfect' baby name and then look back later and go, "Yikes, what was I thinking?" If my son had been a girl, he would've had the name of a pop princess (not yet popular at that time). And if I hadn't had a miscarriage, I'd have a son with a weird name that I thought was perfect at the time.

Tastes change, and there are lots of wonderful names. When your time comes to have a baby, you may find that the name you think is wonderful now may not seem as great (regardless of what your friend did).

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Nov 8, 2015 at 4:44pm

From your attitude I'm guessing she was doing you a favor because you don't sound like you're going to find a man to get you pregnant anytime soon. At least this way the name is actually used.

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Not cool

Nov 8, 2015 at 7:54pm

this isint a baby race - theres no beating anyone to anything - its modern times-
Id still use the name and stick to your plan - you might have to explain the weirdness of the duplicate - but just tell you kid it was 'stolen' from your idea bank before they were born. Youd probably have to explain if you picked a common name too so what does it matter. Or you could go totally crazy and call them ' sailormoon sunshine glorie' or something like that- its just as telling ....

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Cardinal rule from Friends

Nov 9, 2015 at 12:22pm

Haven't you watched that episode in Friends where one of the girls is afraid of telling their bff her future daughter's baby name, for fear of that friend taking it for herself? Of course, when the friend hears it, they want it for their baby name as well! That's always how it happens. If not, then bragging about a baby name is all on you. There are a million other baby names out there I'm sure you'll fall in love with.

That's why I never tell anyone I know that has the potential of having a kid my future baby name.

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