Rebuild rather than Recover

Most of us work 2-3 jobs to get by, but let me tell you that it’s better to stand up to this government and fight for our rights for better wages, living conditions and lower tuitions as well as daycare. I’m in my late 30s and I got a stroke on Monday. Now I’m in an out of the hospital undergoing CT Scans, MRIs, ECGs, Neurologists and other specialists. Without my health I can’t do fuck all! So stop working so much and give yourself a day off to rest. I’m telling you too many of us young adults are dying way too young. Stop chasing money because it ain’t worth it. And starting today I’m gonna stop eating boxed, canned, processed, and convenient foods. I finally watched Forks Over Knives on Netflix and I don’t think it’s going to be hard to stick to a whole grain plant-based diet, because if it can save my life, it can save your life too! Carpe diem!


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I remember...

Oct 19, 2017 at 3:23pm

... talking with a couple I know who are doctors, in their late 60s. The children of the boomers, people our age, ~30, are going to be the first generation in recent memory to have a shorter lifespan than their parents.

What was weird is how they talked about it, like it din't point t systemic ruination of the species by the older generation, they almost giggled at it like they were proud of themselves for being "smarter" than their kids.

Good luck with the diet, stroke, etc.

Stand Up With!

Oct 19, 2017 at 3:26pm

You mean stand up WITH this government-- they are on your side and have roots in the Labour / union movement! It's the Liberals from 2001- present that privatized so many things and made life harder/more expensive for people! Check out the BC Federation of Labour & all they're doing, and get involved in your community. Work WITH this current government while we have them working for us. Oh and congrats on standing up to the programming of our society. What you eat is important and all the crap food out there is making us sick, just like the stress of fighting against a system designed to keep us down. Stay healthy, strong, connected and empowered. The world needs you!

Whole grains?

Oct 19, 2017 at 4:26pm

You really need to get up to date on the whole whole grain BS wagon. You cannot be against processed food and for the whole grain thing. Carbs kill in current volumes. The evidence is overwhelming.

@I remember

Oct 19, 2017 at 5:27pm

Baby-boomers aren't smarter, they are a hell of a lot more selfish and irresponsible. A generation of oversized children doing what they want when they want on the backs of their parents hard work and at the expense of children and the planet earth. A generation that epitomises " Keepin up with Jones's'.

"Most of us work 2-3 jobs to get by"

Oct 19, 2017 at 7:21pm

What do you consider by "getting by"
Maybe you ought to cut down your spending instead of working 3 jobs.
You want everything for free and higher unearned wages...but I noticed you took full advantage of the health care system.
WHERE is all this money supposed to come from to support your fantasies?
Do tell...


Oct 20, 2017 at 12:04am

Why is so little mentioned of this women's stroke in the above comments or concern for her in that regard.

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