I hate going out.

Each time I go out with people I get so depressed. I try to have a good time but I start thinking about the women around me. One woman was talking about someone to another woman saying "he's cute, is he available?" I know it's self centered but all I could think of was "I'm single, I'm sitting right beside you!" I look across a table to a woman pawing at a guy who wasn't interested in her. Again thinking "I'm available, that guy obviously isn't into you. I know he's attractive but come on!" It just feels like everything around me was saying "you're okay but completely undesirable". As the years go by I feel like I'm going more and more insane. I can't just ignore these things that are happening around me but never to me. I just want to stay home so I'm never reminded of how sexually unattractive I am.


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Be more assertive!

Jun 16, 2018 at 10:00am

In those moments, make a joke! Laughter for women is a way bigger turn on than looks. Also, they can read your feelings. You probably look depressed or sad and it’s a turn off. Nobody wants to deal with a moody guy while they’re trying to have fun. It’s a killjoy. Think of a few funny stories you can tell and try to be engaging. Stop over thinking everything and you’ll see how your attitude will attract people.


Jun 16, 2018 at 11:07am

You can screw clubs entirely, because they are horrible places to interact with people with any way that's meaningful, then talk to a friend or therapist, look inward, and genuinely try to get your self-esteem up.

I was miserable too, especially when I'd go to clubs, but once I started loving myself, it got so much better, women approached, and I stopped caring about dance clubs and people/situations that were out of my element anyway. You'll find that clubbing in Vancouver isn't even typical of other places in the world. It's crap compared to Europe, etc, and the people are so much more genuine and less shallow. Good luck, OP!

Looks aren't everything

Jun 16, 2018 at 11:16am

When we first met, my boyfriend totally ignored me because he obviously didn't find me very attractive. But we got to know each other better, and he fell in love with my personality. Most people are attracted to looks first but what makes people stick around is the connection. Be yourself, and get to know the people in your life. When you find someone you really connect with, that's when the magic happens.


Jun 16, 2018 at 11:28am

friend zone


Jun 16, 2018 at 11:36am

I hear you, brother. Every day I am reminded about how unattractive I am -- physically, emotionally and sexually. It's so easy to say that one should "man up," "grow a pair," and think of a few funny stories to tell and try to be engaging, even if you've been living an unhappy life and that the only stories you have are sad stories. Also, I find that making a joke or saying something to break the ice doesn't do anything, as people tend to ignore me or turn their noses up at me when I do so. It also doesn't help that my ethnic background is one that women don't find attractive. Even the women of my ethnic background tend to go for white men, mainly because they're renown for being well-endowed -- aside from being seen as more successful, wealthy and attractive. I don't bother going out anymore, and I spend my weekends at home for much of the same reasons. Sigh.

17 7Rating: +10

@Be more assertive!

Jun 16, 2018 at 12:10pm

I’m a comedian, I make jokes all the time. I’m not being a downer when I’m out with people, I get home and think about how the women around me are so uninterested in me sexually.

21 7Rating: +14


Jun 16, 2018 at 12:19pm

... compete for 20% of available men, the other 80% they think are 'below average in looks.' Whether they are aware of this and lie about it or simply are unaware of what they do, who knows. It is obvious to anyone who understands geometry and looks at which men are being "pawed at."

Men who are in the 80% are used for resources---in the past, this did mean many of them were married, but now that we have a coercive police state to tax these men, women get the benefits of marriage by men being coerced into marrying and supporting the state without actually having to care for or love those men.

If you make an above average income, you might be able to find a woman who wants you around because she cannot get enough from the Government (go look in any Government/University/Hospital office, tell me how many of the people pushing paper are men),but this is precarious, because if you make $X, she can usually get a sizable fraction of $X in perpetuity simply by divorcing you, more if she has used you to have children---or she may simply have children with one of the attractive 20%ers, tho you will end up supporting them because of presumptions about fathers being those who cohabit with women.

Welcome to Hell!

Ure not as “unattractive” as u may think

Jun 16, 2018 at 3:12pm

First of all all those guys are out of those girls league that’s why they are not interested. It doesn’t mean that they are worthy to be a part of ur league also. It depends. Here in Canada maybe but not everywhere


Jun 16, 2018 at 5:22pm

totally written by a woman.

8 20Rating: -12


Jun 16, 2018 at 7:40pm

"but once I started loving myself, it got so much better, women approached, "
Calling BS. Women NEVER approach a man. NEVER.

@Ure not as “unattractive” as u may think

Wrong. Women think that 80% of men are below average in looks. They also think 80% of women are above average in looks.
The truth is,looks are on a bell curve,which men always rate at.
Also,a man's rating from 1-10 will go up 1-2 points (based on a previous identical picture) if the new photo shows him with a woman smiling at him. Look it up.

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