Red convertible mustang

To the d-bag driving up Arbutus this afternoon in his mid-life-crisis car: I was trying to get your attention not because I wanted to rag you out for your obnoxiously loud small dick hot wheelz, but that you threw your cigarette butt out your vehicle. I can only wonder how many fires youve started due to your ignorance. And because you drove off like a whiny baby, me and my racing heart, are trying to cool down on the floor of my 37 degree apartment. Smarten up people- it’s hot and dry and cigarettes light fires!!!


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Jul 17, 2018 at 8:44pm

I can't make up my mind which party I hate the most:

The alleged douche with the nice car or the whining loser making up excuses(smoking) to hate another human being for no good reason(jealousy).

Cigarettes Are Nasty

Jul 17, 2018 at 10:52pm

Cigarettes should not be tossed anywhere smokers like. However, pretty sure it’s not going to start a fire in the middle of Arbutus. I’d be happy to to give you a thumbs up on this one if you just complained about littering but a fire on a busy street? Sorry, it’s a stupid complaint.


Jul 18, 2018 at 8:17am

Agreed. I mean, I don't like city noise/pollution, but the idea that this guy in the red convertible, who at least has some apparent means of enjoying life in the City, that's not the problem. The problem is diesel and truck traffic and overpopulation. If we had a 1950s population in Vancouver, along with modern environmental regulation, we could all drive our cool cars around and live like Kings.

9 12Rating: -3

@cigs are nasty

Jul 18, 2018 at 9:25am

Of course there is a slim chance of a fire starting on a busy street. I think the point was if the driver was dumb enough to toss a cig on a city street they will be dumb enough to toss on a country road.


Jul 19, 2018 at 10:23am

If you saw this guy in the city you shouldn’t have any need to say anything. If you saw this guy in the country near a forest then there would be a need. You should really think about that. There’s lots of concrete in a city where throwing a cigarette out the window wouldn’t do anything. You’re the problem in this city. Use your brain more

9 14Rating: -5

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